Chapter 12

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while y'all mean the world to me and I wouldn't be anywhere with out y'all. So I just wanna say thank you and remember I love y'all so freaking much, I love y'all so much that its hard to explain in this little thing.
Paige's P.O.V
It was Monday morning and I can tell today was going to be a very long day, because Sarah and Karla were going to be there to torture the living shit out of me all because I'm dating Dylan. "You ready babe," Dylan asked me. "Ready as I'll ever be," I answered back to the love of my life. I texted Haley

M: will be me
H: will be Haley
~Beginning of convo~
M: are you ready for today?
H: not really but you know it's fine.
M: what's wrong???
H: It's just I don't wanna see Brennan today, and me and Levi stopped talking and now I'm developing feelings for my guy best friend (Mikey) he sjust means everything to me and I don't want him to hate me for liking him.
M: he won't hate you I promise you just go up to him and tell him you like him you never know maybe he'll like you back.
Mikey Haley's best friend has this massive crush on her and I'm surprised she never noticed, that he's always looking at her and telling her how beautiful she looks and everything.
H: you really believe that he would probably like me, I mean have you seen me. I'm fat ugly and a worthless piece of shit.
M: hey boo no your not okay and I gtg I'll see you at school okay I love you boo.
H: okay and I love you too ma.
~End of convo~
Me and Dylan were walking to school together hand in hand when we saw Mikey walking alone looking sadder than ever. "Babe I'll be right back I'm gonna go talk to Mikey okay," I said as I kissed his cheek, "Okay" he said. I walked across the street to were mikey was sitting on a bench crying.

P: will be me
M: will be him
~start of convo~
P: hey mikey what's wrong??
M: it's Haley I really wanna tell her I like her but I'm afraid she'll stop talking to me and I don't want that to happen.
P: it won't I promise you.
M: thanks Paige you always know what to say.
P: anytime Mikey hey why don't you come walk with me and Dylan to school okay.
M: sure is it alright with him
P: it's not up to him if I want you to come then you can come okay now come on.
~end of convo~

We were walking to school and when we got there Haley was waiting for us outside by the front door. You should've see the look on her face when she saw Mikey was with us. It was priceless.

Haley's P.O.V
I was waiting for Paige and Dylan when I saw another person with them. I looked closer and then I saw the most cutest angel ever my best friend Mikey Murphy he looked so cute in his glasses his teal sweatshirt and his snapback omg I'm falling in love with him even more than ever. I love him so much. I was just gonna walk up to him and jump into his arms and hug him so hard. Anyway I was brought out of my thoughts when Mikey came up and gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. "Haley can I talk to you in private please," Mikey asked me, "Sure," I said.
Mikey's P.O.V
I walked over to Haley and asked her if I could talk to her in private and she said yes. "Okay so Haley this has been bugging me for a while and I'm just gonna say it I like you and I have since we became best friends which was back in 2011 and we're in 2015 I've liked you for 4yrs now an......... I was cut off by the sweet taste of Haley's lips. I was in shock for about 3 seconds and started kissing her back. I pulled back from the kiss and told Haley "Haley I love you so freaking much and I have to ask you do you want to be my girlfriend," "Mikey of course I'll be your girlfriend and I love you too," Haley said. "Well then let's go," I told her, and we were off to class thank the lord that we have all our classes together because I don't know what I would do if someone else was looking at my baby instead of me looking at her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Guys I finally updated I know I haven't updated in a long long time but I did right now and let's get my book to 1,000 reads okay. Stay Positive and know that I Love Y'all so so much xx. And without y'all I wouldn't have made it or came this far in writing it. Xx Haley.

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