Chapter 7: The Confusion

Start from the beginning

"Ok so, Roxy, do you like one of them and tell me the truth." Another kid asked.

"Well I will tell everyone not only you but yes I do like someone else." I answered and the entire crowd started to whistle and cheer. Well this is awkward. The Pack looked at me and smiled. I only liked one smile. Lachlan's.

"Ok so this is for the entire Pack. So who do you guys think she likes?" They all made an oooooooo noice in the crowd and they started listing names.


"Ok so most of you guys think its Lachlan so let's hope its Lachlan." Billy said as the kids kept on asking questions for us.

(One hour later)

"Ok see you guys later!!!" Billy yelled in his mic as we left the stage. I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into a room without any lights.

"Is it true?" The voice said which sounds really familiar.


"Yes it's me. Answer the question is it true that you like me?" He kept his voice really soft but I felt his happiness building up.

"Yes I do like you. Didn't you notice me liking you this entire time?"

"Kinda but I thought u just wanted to be friends?"

"Well yeah because I thought you would never like me." I mumbled the last part since I started to get worried.

"I liked you since we met Roxy." I knew he had a smile on his face but I couldn't see it.

"Can we now please et out of this dark room." I moaned and tried to find the door.

"Oh yeah sorry" he giggled and we came out in the hallway where the Team Crafted and The Pack was talking. I heard loud voices coming from the crowd so I thought to go to the Pack. I grabbed Lachlan's wrist and ran toward the crowd. I saw that Adam aka SkyDoesMinecraft was talking to Mitch and the looked pissed.

"That's why you left huh?!?!?" Adam yelled right in Mitch's face.

"Yeah because I knew them longer that you fat ass!!!" Adam raised his hand to punch my brother but I ran in the middle of them and I felt a really warm hand go right on my face. I dropped to the floor but I didn't pass out. I carefully stood up and looked at my hand. My hand was filled with blood and Adam looked at me like a came from the dead.

"Leave my family alone Adam. C'on Pack we need to go." I gave Adam a mad face and walked away.

"Are you okay Roxy because that is a horrible cut." Lachlan said while pointing at my forehead.

"I'm totally fine but can someone explain what happened?" I looked at Mitch who was beside me.

"Well, me and Jerome used to be in Team Crafted but we left since our best friends made a group and we wanted to join, so Adam hated us for that." Mitch said while going to our booth and getting some things. I took my presents and hid them in one oft he big bags I had in my car. Lachlan took me home AGAIN which sucks because I want to drive and they think that I need to go to a doctor but I don't.

"Hey are you sure that you don't want to go to the-" I interrupted Lachlan.

"Nope!" With a popping p.

"But that is a horrible cut! And I'm worried about you!" Lachlan looked at me when he stopped on a red light.

"Well you don't have to because I'm stronger than my brother!" Lachlan laughed after I said that I am stronger than him which I AM SO HE NEEDS TO SHUT UP.

"OK then..." He said when we drove the rest of the way quiet with some Monstercat music blowing from the speakers. When my favorite music comes on, I always hit my finger on the beat on my lap. When he finally parked in the garage, I jumped out of the car, took my bag and ran off upstairs.

I slammed my door shut and packed the presents in Christmas wrap. I hid it in my closet and went on my minecraft account to make few videos. I saw that I had 29.9 subs. One hundred thousand more and I will get 30 million subs.

(Few hours of recording minecraft)

"Ok guys this was the Hunger Deens!!! Love you guys, bye!!!" I blew a kiss in the cam and finished the recording.

"Wow that was a long time" I mumbled and started to edit the video.

(Few hours of editing later)

"Finally!" I whispered/yelled and pressed the button upload. It will take a long time but it worthily. I looked at the time. Wow it was already 6am. I thought maybe I should prank the guys by taking some strong hair spray and spray it on their heads.

I quietly went to each room and colored their hair pink. Oh this is gonna be so much fun to see their funny expression.

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