Swiss (x Sodo) - Toxic

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I ignored the message from Mountain because I couldn't go there anyway. Caroline hated it when I drank alcohol. She said I was toxic after drinking and she was scared of me so I stopped. I had drunk too much alcohol before anyway.
If Mountain asked me tomorrow why I hadn't read the message, I'd just tell him I was tired and went straight to bed. But I had to get out of here unnoticed. I put my phone in a pocket and turned around.

"Have you forgot something?" Suddenly the light went on and I jumped in shock. Sodo leaned against the door, arms crossed and an angry look in his eyes. His tail whipped restlessly back and forth.

"Are you alright?" I asked confused, hoping my bruises wouldn't show. Sodo laughed in disbelief.
"I should ask you that! Look at your face Did she hit you again?" he asked irritably. Sodo was the only one who knew that Caroline sometimes hit me. He noticed the bruises and didn't believe me when I lied to him. Sodo knew me too well to lie to him.

"No she didn't." I said defensively, knowing he'd be pissed.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" he asked even more irritated and came towards me.
"You know I can smell blood, right? In addition, you have a cut lip, your cheek is red and slightly swollen, a bruise is forming on the side of your forehead, you have tears in your eyes and are crooked, as if a train had run over you! Do I need to list more?" he almost yelled at me. The smaller ghoul looked at me intently, and I got nervous under that look.

"I... I fell down the stairs." I stuttered and Sodo's eyes widened in shock.
"She pushed you down the stairs?" he whispered in horror but I shook my head defensively.
"No! I fell! Really!" he shouldn't think that Caroline was a monster because she wasn't. I just wanted him to believe me.
"Besides, it wasn't bad at all! Hardly anything happened." I added, but Sodo just looked at me skeptically. With arms still crossed.

"Oh... she just pushed you down the small staircase in front of your house, well then everything's fine. Nothing can happen with the three levels!" he said sarcastically.
"No, I fell off the big staircase in the house." I said with a sigh.

"You didn't fucking fall! Understand it at last!" he yelled at me and I jumped in shock. I hated being yelled at, even though I didn't have a problem with it a year ago.

"Sorry." The smaller ghoul murmured and came towards me, putting his arms behind his back and walking carefully, presumably so that I wouldn't be scared.

"Swiss, I just want to help you." He said almost desperately.
"There's nothing you can do to help me!" Now it was me screaming. It made me angry. Why didn't he believe me?
"Swiss stop! You are not feeling well! She beats you and has gotten you so far that you don't even mind anymore! That shouldn't happen in a relationship!"

"She just has anger issues and has to let them out somewhere!" I tried to defend her, but Sodo just looked at me more horrified.
"She can do that on a punching bag, but not on you!" he cried in disbelief.
"I have anger issues too, but I would never take them out on my partner! I would never hit my partner! And do you know why?" he asked and I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I was curious about his answer, even if I knew it somewhere, deep down inside me.
"Because I love my partner and you never hurt someone you love." He said and I glared at him. Anger literally gushed out of me.

"Caroline loves me!" I yelled at him. Sodo's eyes widened in horror. I knew I was wrong to yell at him, but I didn't care. I was fed up.
"Yes, Caroline has a few quirks, but I accept those in her too! She also has no problem with the fact that I-"

I broke off because I couldn't hear any more. I suddenly felt very dizzy and everything was spinning. The spot where my head had landed earlier at the bottom of the stairs hurt terribly.
"Swiss?" I heard Sodo's voice, but it seemed to be very far away. Suddenly I felt that my nose was wet and I stuck my hand over it. I saw blood, lots of blood.
"Swiss?" Sodo asked again, but I couldn't answer. I felt myself starting to tremble. I blacked out. The last thing I felt was Sodo's hand grabbing my arm as my legs buckled beneath me and I collapsed.
"Swiss!" I heard him yell, but it was too late. I lost consciousness and found myself in the dark.

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