Chapter 21: And you should be dead. Consider yourself lucky

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Caged Heat 2

The group of hunters, demons and one angel stood outside of the fenced in prison, watching the building from afar. "Seems pretty quiet." Dean states.

"It's not." Castiel corrects. "I can feel it. Meet me at the side door." He tells them before disappearing.


Cass opens the door to the warehouse, letting the three hunters and demons inside.

"This all seem a little too easy to you?" Dean asks no one in particular.

"Way too easy." Sam agrees.

Alexis gripped her demon killing knife in her hand, following Dean inside. "Nothing's ever this easy."

The group of seven continue down the dark halls, passing cells with dead bodies on the floor. Sam glancing through the window of another door and a vampire jumps at the glass, growling.

"Is some one there?" A female voice asks making everyone look to the left. "Please, please, help me."

Looking into the cell, the hunters notice it was the Djinn that had attacked Dean and Alexis.

"You gotta get me out of here." She begs. "Please. You just--You gotta get me out of here."

"Come on, Dean. We gotta move." Sam grabbed Deans arm, then Alexis's and pulled them down the hall. Once reaching the end of that hall, the round the corner into a dimly lit one. The hunters click off their flashlights.

"Wait." Cass speaks up, making everyone stop in their tracks.

"What is it?" Dean asks.

Cass looked back down the hall toward the direction they had all just come from as he hears something. Meg turned to look as well. "Damn it." She mutters. "Here come the guards."

The sound of howling and barking echoes off the walls as the Hellhounds come closer. They were still far off, but it wouldn't be long before they reached the group.

"Hellhounds." Dean states as the growling grew louder. "Go."

All seven of the people took off running down the hall, bursting through another set of doors. The Hellhounds were able to grab the two demons that had been with Meg. Sam and Dean slam the door shut, locking the doors and pouring salt at the bottom.

Blood splattered across the window of the doors.

"I knew this was a trap." Dean says, glaring at Meg.

"What do you want, a cupcake?" Meg asks.

"That should keep them out." Sam points at the salt line in front of the door.

"Not for long." Dean corrects. "How many are there?"

"Lots." Meg answers.

"Well, isn't that just lovely." Alexis scoffs.

"I'll be pulling for you form Cleveland." Meg continues.

"What?" Dean asks.

"I didn't know this was gonna happen. Bright side? Then chewing up my meat suit ought to buy you a few seconds. Seacrest out." Meg tilted her head back, but instead of a column of black smoke curling toward the sky nothing happened.

"It's a spell, I think, from Crowley." Castiel states. "Within these walls, you're locked inside your body."

"Karma's a bitch, bitch." Dean shrugs.

Sam pulls out the demon knife, glancing down at it.

"What are you gonna do? You gonna slash at thin air until you hit something?" Dean asks him.

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