Chapter 17: Monsters always have to make everything so difficult

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All Dogs Go To Heaven 2

Thunder crashes outside as Alexis ran a hand over a sleeping Madilyn's head. "She's got a fever, Dean."

Dean ran a hand over his face, sighing. "Alright, well, just let her rest. We gave her the medicine. We just gotta wait for it to break."

"She's not sleeping hardly." Alexis stood moving to sit next to Dean on the foot of the bed. "Which is weird. She normally sleeps all through the night, she never had trouble staying asleep before."

"Maybe it's because we're constantly moving." Dean suggests.

"I don't think so. She keeps saying she's having bad dreams."

Dean stood, moving to the counter and pouring a cup of coffee. "I dunno, Lexi." He turned at the sound of a cell phone ringing. He set down the cup, grabbing the phone. "Hey." He answers, sitting down at the table.

"Hey, it's me." Sam begins.

"Well, I got bupkis here." Dean leans back in his chair.

"I definitely got something. It ain't a werewolf, for one."

"Yeah? What is it?" Dean asks as Alexis moved across the room and sat down in his lap.

"Skinwalker." Sam replies.

"A Skinwalker? As in--?"

"As in, the family dog seriously needs a neuter."

"Wow. Haven't heard of a Skinwalker in years. I'm a little rusty on the profile." Dean reaches over, opening his father's journal.

"You and me both." Sam sighs. "I got the lowdown from Bobby. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skinwalkers infect you with a single bite. Other wide, they're basically a werewolf cousin. Silver will drop them. They chow hearts like Snausages."

"You catch him?" Dean asks.

"Probably not." Alexis mutters.

"Not exactly, but I have some idea where he might be." Sam replies.


"Hi, Lucky." Dean says as he, Sam and Alexis walk up to the cage where the Skinwalker sat in the animal hospital. Lucky growls. "Bad dog." Dean kneels down, letting the backpack slide off his shoulder and to the floor. "First things first." Dean pulled out his gun, removing the loaded magazine and holding it toward the cage. "See this? This is silver. Don't say I didn't warn you." Dean placed the magazine back into the gun. "Okay, time to go."

Dean opened the bag. "Now we can do this the easy way--" Dean held up a pair of jeans and a shirt. "--Or the hard way." Dean held up a silver chain.

Lucky whimpers as Sam chuckles.

Dean looks over his shoulder at his brother.

"What?" Sam asks. "Soul or not, that's funny."

"Do you know how crazy we look right now?" Alexis gently rocked Madilyn back and forth to keep her calm as she looked between the brothers.


"What's up, Doc?"

Alexis sat on the foot of the bed beside Dean as Madilyn sat on the floor in front of them, eyes glued the TV where Looney Toons was playing.

"Well, I gotta tell you, Lucky, you got us stumped." Sam begins from his spot in a chair. Lucky, now in human form, was tied to a chair and his hands bound with silver chains. "I mean, why shack up with a family?" Sam leans back in his chair. "Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food?"

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