Most people when it comes to math be like:

47 1 2

(Remember the papers of the chapter put right before this? YA WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY SAY?!? This author's note is cringe, but so am I. For the title, Zelda is all who struggle at math and Link is that one person who finds math easy)

Zelda was as stuck as a rito with soaked wings. The papers just didn't make sense! She had compared the ancient letters with modern letters, but none of the matches made sense! The letters also repeated way more than modern hylian! Hylian had around 35 letters, so why did these letters only go up to 30 at absolute max???

Zelda sighed. Link was napping on her bed. She had learned a while back that he tended to have mid-day naps, but he couldn't do those unless he was at his home or traveling with the champions. He wouldn't nap when he and her were alone, since he couldn't protect her while sleeping, but he always tended to take one in the middle of the day whenever he wasn't the only champion around.

Though Zelda never knew how he could sleep in the sun in the desert, in the middle of the day no less. Even Gerudo didn't like that much heat. 

Back to topic, Zelda was as confused as a goron learning about the existence of gender. Link had pointed out a few points where the letters looked like more than one but were actually one before he took his nap. She didn't know how he knew that, but oh well. It's been two hours since then and she has yet to figure out a single translation. At this point, Link would wake up before she could figure out a single word!

And, as Zelda heard a yawn, she realized that he did.

He took one look at her struggling, then came right over. Link signed "You good?" Zelda just signed back "No."

Link looked around, got a stool, then sat next to her. He signed "I don't know all of it, but my mentor had known at least some of these." Ignoring her crisis over learning that Link had a mentor in the past, Zelda silently scooted the papers over for him to point out some he knew. "Can you just sign the words you know of?" Zelda asked. Link nodded.

Link looked over the letter, which was the longest string of words they had even though it was only around 7 words, and pointed to a four letter one. He then just signed "Sand."

Zelda put her head into her arms and screamed quietly.

In hylian, sand wasn't four letters at all! 

It was 7 letters!

After a few moments, she looked up at Link and composed herself. Existential crisis two put aside, Zelda picked up her ink and feather and started writing down the translation.

She looked to Link after. "Do you know any more?" Zelda asked. Link shook his head. For some reason, he only knew that one word, sand, and nothing else. He looked a bit amused, but she shook it off. He's never likely translated something old into something modern.

Though his recent learning of the written hylian language could be considered pretty close.

Why Link hadn't known how to read hylian, she didn't know. Though now that she thought of it, why had he known one word of this ancient text but not any of standard hylian before she started teaching him?

Unfortunately, Link didn't want to stay for too much longer and so took his stuff, including the papers because "you wouldn't even go to bed until midnight or later if I left them here for you to translate more of." Accurate, but still.

The many times Link was weird and maybe a few times he actually explainedWhere stories live. Discover now