Why the champions don't ask Link things

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(Different style of chapter, but I hope you still enjoy)

-----Before Link knew sign-----

Zelda sighed. "Link, why don't you just talk to me?"

Link stared at her for a solid while. He knew full well that if he didn't talk and didn't know sign, he could get away with not telling her. Sure, there was dirt around and a perfect stick to draw a diagram with, but he didn't care.

Link managed to stare Zelda down. Since then, no one else has managed to stare her down to where she gives up. No body had been able to before either.

-----When Link learned to sign a few certain words-----

Zelda had been teaching Link sign for a few months, and today was the day. She would finally ask him why he didn't talk. She managed to get a traveling time alone so he wouldn't feel as stressed to tell her. She asked while they were both on horses.

Link's response?

Link signed 'no talk same thing' and she had no clue what that meant. He also spent the rest of the ride restraining himself from doing things that some may find weird, but Zelda knew were things he did all the time.

She regretted making him go back into his shell.

-----The Questioned Thing Incident-----

The champions were all hanging out, and Link was just looking at rocks. Urbosa asked why he was picking up some of them.

Link froze. The whole group(-Daruk) froze too once they saw Link freeze.

Link then just carefully set down the rocks and tried to act like he never did that. He went to a spot and started acting like a standard guard.

Link didn't relax and act his normal again until a full week later. It had been a full week of Link trying to be JUST like everyone else. This was the last time any of the champions questioned him about him doing something. No one wanted him to head into his metaphorical shell again, after all.

It still happened sometimes, but never from them again.

The many times Link was weird and maybe a few times he actually explainedWhere stories live. Discover now