Remember that "purple thing"

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(This is about the "purple thing" mentioned in the piece called "Excuse me. WHAT?!?!" so enjoy this lore filled piece. Also, we do have all the sort of stuff Link has, but I'm not telling you what is what. But Link does indeed have earbuds and music. Enjoy.)

It was a few days after the Yiga incident, and not Zelda nor Link told the king what happened. Only bad things would likely come of telling him. They did tell Urbosa though, and she upped the amount of guards out there as subtly as she could.

Zelda, Urbosa, and Link were all hanging out. They were chilling together under one of the desert skeletons' head, as it was the largest solidly shaded place that they could comfortably be under. There were no guards around as the group had figured that two champions would be enough. They also had a cloth beneath them, a rather large one, because they didn't feel like getting sand in all their clothes, or at least, not more than they would get just for being in the desert. Sitting in the sand is different from standing and walking in it, after all.

But they were chilling. Urbosa was teaching Link a little more Hylian Sign while Zelda looked around. She had recently discovered the camera function. Link had showed her it. He did have his own slate somehow, so it did make sense. He rarely brought it out though. He only brought it when Zelda had mentioned how he seemed to not be confused by it, then he never brought it again. Zelda somewhat understood. He was an anxious hylian who wanted to fit in.

But eventually, Zelda got done taking pictures and sat down in a triangle sort of formation with Urbosa and Link. She asked "Link. If it's fine, may I know what the purple thing you showed the Yiga that scared them away is? Or maybe just see it? It's fine if not but-" She was cut off by Link bringing it out of his sleeve.

It was a charm of a little purple wing.

Urbosa was laying back and had decided to shift to the corner of the cloth where there was sunlight, so she wasn't paying attention. Plus she respected when a person may be conversing with someone else.

Zelda saw the charm and reach to it lightly. Then pulled back in case Link didn't want her to touch it. She didn't understand why the Yiga ran when Link had showed such a cute charm, but she liked it.

It's a bit too bad Urbosa chose to not listen, because she could have repeated the rumors she had heard. It would have explained why. She wasn't listening though, and so didn't know to pipe in. Why she heard of it? You'll have to find out later. Unless you want to come up with theories yourself, but I may give more information about it later. For now? Wait.

Link took the charm off and handed it to Zelda when he saw her reaching to it slightly. He didn't explain anything about it though. Zelda was fascinated.

 The charm was a purple she didn't even know existed and it had a definite shape to one side that was clearly a wing, the other flat and without whatever cause the shape to be as defined as it was on the other side. The material itself was slightly transparent in just the right way, making the slightly larger sparkles able to be seen inside. It looked like someone had put a shimmery powder in water, froze it before the powder could all go to the bottom, and carved it into a wing on one side, and then put a brushing of the sparkly powder on it's carved side.

It was pretty, and didn't even feel cold! In fact, it had a little bit of warmth from Link wearing it under his sleeve. So it wasn't ice or even carved out of ice. Or had ice powers, but ice powers weren't expected in the first place.

She was so focused that she didn't realize Link had gotten his slate out and put.. some sort of device plug... inside a spot on it. She only realized when Link started humming, the other ends of the device put in his ears. Was his slate playing some sort of music in those ends in his ears? What he was humming wasn't any sort of music she had heard before.

She watched as Link soon began making small movements that matched in pattern a decent amount to what he was humming. He clearly trusted her with the charm enough to not watch her every move with it, and trusted them enough to not pay attention to the world around, as he closed his eyes and let his movements become more clear. He seemed happy like this, making her glad that he trusted them.

Link was always so guarded, even when not on duty.

Sure, it was strange that even when he was clearly enjoying what he was doing, his ears didn't move other than when his head did, and even then it was only a slight bop. But still.

The trio spent the rest of the day silent, but fairly happy. Link did switch song types a few times by tapping a few times on his slate, making them wonder how he knew how to do that, but he was happy and expressing himself, so they didn't mention it.

Zelda never did hear anything about the charm or why the Yiga was scared of the charm by the end of it.

The many times Link was weird and maybe a few times he actually explainedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat