Characterization for this Link

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To give you guys a better idea of what this Link is like, here is a list of things I thought I would use for characterization for him. Comment on as many of these as you would like, comments give me motivation and ideas. You could put 10 comments on each one and I would be happy. This will stay the last chapter even as this gets updated, by the way. Ps: More things may be added onto this.

Link loves moss

Link loves nature and being in it

Link can climb trees and he tends to stay in them for hours if he gets in the leaves of one

Link is gay but has no idea he even feels romantic attraction, let alone towards men

Link's ears are weird, but no one can figure out why

Link's culture is quite different from a standard hylian, but people love him so they just let him do his thing and be happy without asking him about it out loud

Link tries to hide his being different, but he is very expressive(if you can understand him. Otherwise, he is confusing)

Link is happy boi enjoying life when alone or not watched. When watched by a person he doesn't feel comfortable around, he is a stone wall

Link pulls pranks and likes confusing those he likes as long as he is in control of what he is confusing them with

Link is 'All the homies' in the sense of "All the homies hate King Rhoam"

Link knows a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff lost time, like what magic looks like, but has no idea how to explain it so he just doesn't even try to

Link has a whole lot of lore in his past

Link would absolutely give a handful of moss as a gift to those he liked if he didn't think that no one truly likes him. He thinks his champion status is the only reason he is invited to go along with the other champions

Link has low self esteem in most things, but he knows he can cook well

Link loves dressing up but never has continued since he became a knight

Link is really good at proper sword fighting(like knight do) already, but he's even better if you let him do his "feral sword fighting"

Link is short and smol

Link has a lot of stuff, but he never tends to show a lot of it since he doesn't want to be weird

Link has imposter syndrome for both being a knight/Zelda's guard and *lore piece*

Link constantly restrains himself from doing certain things around people or even just where a person could easily find him. Certain people can see some of those things, but not all

Link's closest "friend" is Revali. They have a deal that Revali can tease him about the stuff he does as long as it's not (directly) revealing deep secrets. That being said, Revali has no idea what "deep secret" means and so is overly cautious

Link even keeps his style purely to what people would expect of him if he is around others. That being said, disguising as a woman to enter Gerudo Town is perfectly fine for him as long as no one realizes that he is Link instead of a normal woman. Yes, that was where he was for the dtart of chapter where Zelda got attacked by the Yiga.

Link disguised as a woman is the only time where he lets his style even somewhat loose. The town knows him as "The woman with Style"

Link has a home, but no one knows where it is. Revali has a hint, but that's it

Link touches moss every time he sees ANY moss(that isn't dead, that is)

Link doesn't talk out loud for a reason, but it's not because of trauma ;) 

Link has no idea what romance is nor what flirting sound like

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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