Where did you get those papers, Link...?

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(First chapter not taking place outside! Also, italic talking is signing)

Zelda was in her study, trying to figure out what the flip Link had meant when he signed that Revali's gale wasn't just talent, it was magic. Magic hadn't been used by anyone for years unless they somehow stole a wizzrobe's wand! At least, that's what they thought.....

Link knocked on the door.

Zelda startled but quickly said "Come in, Link!" Link came in, but he had a box. A little wooden box with no lock. He walked over to where she was carefully, and then set it down. She got the feeling that this was only happening because he was deciding to trust them a little more, or at least trust her.

"Zelda. I brought some...," Link hesitated as he signed, "Papers."

He opened the box, and there were some small pieces of ancient paper! With little bits of text on them too! The papers were crisp, slightly yellow, and burnt, but a few bits were saved from whatever burned the papers. There were five bits, and one appeared to have a drawing of some figure wearing a strange hat with a sword on it's back! The text was different from previous runes too, appearing to possibly be the first ever example of writing in words instead of runes!

Zelda exclaimed "Link! Where did you find these!" She was very excited at the prospect. Link signed "I've had them at home for a while, but I thought you would want to see them. I assume I don't have to tell you to be careful?" He was right about that, as Zelda picked up the small box instead of the individual papers. She then picked up one very carefully.

"Link! This may be the first example of a letter!" She exclaimed again, as she carefully looked it over. There looked to be around 7 words, but a part of the letter was cut, or rather burnt, off. All of the papers appeared to have been written using a small piece of burnt wood, or perhaps charcoal. There weren't any smears of fingerprints though, so it must have been the small piece of burnt wood that the person only burned a little bit of the tip at a time.

Zelda then realized that Link had signed a response to her question but she'd been so interested in looking at the papers that she didn't see. She sheepishly said "Sorry, could you repeat that?" Link repeated "I found them around my home." Zelda then, though only after she processed that Link had the papers but never showed anyone them, asked "Why didn't you show anyone the papers? This is a huge discovery!!!" Link responded by hesitantly shrugging, then wincing as he remembered that none of the champions knew what that meant. No one in Hyrule did. 

Link hesitantly raised his hands to sign, but Zelda could tell he was nervous. His ears may not move as much as the average hylian's to his emotions, or even at all strangely, but he wasn't average in a lot of stuff. He was Link, the champion, the one who pulled the Master Sword, but most importantly, he was her friend and knight.

Zelda sighed. "It's fine. You don't have to say it right now. Or, I guess, sign it," she said. She thought for a moment, as Link's shoulders fell.

She may not understand him that well at times, but he was her friend. And if he didn't want to answer for whatever reason? She would let him.

They spent the rest of the day together as she tried to translate it. or at least make progress. It was a comfortable silence, even after Link had to go back to where he slept for the night. Link never did say how he found the papers, or why he never told anyone about them, but that was fine.

He was her mostly silent friend, after all.

The many times Link was weird and maybe a few times he actually explainedWhere stories live. Discover now