waking up

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*yawn* I stretch as I get up and check my phone. I silently groan, realising it's only 4am, I'm not supposed to be up for another 2 hours. Oh well, no use going back to sleep now. I'll just get an early start to my day.
I go to my wardrobe and pick out some of my workout clothes, I grab my earphones off my desk, put my hair into a ponytail, and slip on some sneakers.
Before going out for my usual morning run, I leave a note in case anyone wakes up letting them know where I am. I then stretch, and I leave the house as quietly as possible.

I come to a stop after 1 hour outside this small coffee shop, The strong scent of coffee beans fills my nose as the shop starts to open. I decided to pop in and pay for a black coffee, no sugar, and a bagel.

I contemplate what I'll be doing this time tomorrow. It's going to be so great. My dream ever since I became a blink was to see them live. Tomorrow, that's exactly what I'll be doing. I'm also going to their pop-up shop they are doing here. I've been saving up for months, taking extra shifts, and helping out wherever I can to get more money than needed to ultimately spoil myself, and to top it all off, I'll be doing a live stream interview with the members in person. All because I was lucky enough to win a competition.

I can't wait. I'm not sure what's making me more jittery, the anticipation, or the coffee.

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