He steps back and holds his hands up in the air showing me he means no harm.

"I'm sorry for startling you. Are you okay?" He asks.

I relax and he puts his hands down. His voice registers in my head as familiar but I haven't seen his face properly yet so I can't say if I know him or not.

I tuck my hair behind my ear so I can see him properly and my eyes widen in recognition. I've seen this guy before. Not recently but a couple of years back during a basketball game at Oakland. They beat our asses and because it was a charity game we hosted them for dinner after the game. I was part of the planning committee and we interacted for a few minutes when I congratulated him on the win. He probably doesn't remember me because I was younger, blonde and in uniform. Or maybe he does?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This cannot be happening.

I don't want anyone to know that I've transferred from Oakland. It will only make people bully me further so I hope to God that he will not remember brief meeting two years ago.

"I ... umh ... can't get my locker to open." I say when I recall his question.

"The locks are old and get stuck sometimes. What's your combination?" He asks me.

I show him the sheet of paper on my hand and after two tries he manages to get it open. He shows me the trick to get it unstuck which I'm grateful for.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief setting all my extra books down


"You're welcome. I'm Isaiah by the way." He introduces holding his hand out for me without a hint of recognition in his eyes.

So he doesn't remember me which is good. I relax that my secret is safe and shake his hand. "Kennedy."

"Nice to meet you Kennedy. Welcome to Pine View." He says making me smile.

Isaiah is as handsome as he was then if not more. He's taller too having added a few inches to his height and a lot more muscle. I guess you can say we've both changed but at least he can't remember me. He's bloomed into a very sexy young man with a panty-dropping smile.

"Thanks." I mumbles quietly internally mocking myself for ogling him.

"How's the school treating you for far?" He asks.

"What do you think?" I grumble in a salty tone recalling the morning I've had.

"Not great huh?" He asks with a soft laugh.

"You have no idea. I knew it was going to be hard but not this hard." I grunt slamming my locker shut in frustration. "Sorry."

"That's okay, believe me it'll get better. Give us time to grow on you. I promise there's more to Pine View than meets the eye." He consoles giving me an encouraging smile.

I almost swoon at his charming smile but I am too tired and worn out. "I hope so. Anyway can you point me in the direction of AP History. Miss Bea showed me in the morning but I've been turned around so many times I can barely remember."

I wish I could just skip the rest of the day but I do not have that luxury.

"I have AP history too, we can walk together." Isaiah offers.

Same class as him? I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I don't want other students to assume anything. I know how quickly rumors spread but then again I can't avoid him if we are classmates.

"Okay." I nod knowing I can't escape this.

We stop by his locker for his books before proceeding to class. It's a quiet walk neither of us saying anything which I am grateful for. I am in no mood for a conversation.

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