Summer Vacation🏖: Cruise🛳

Start from the beginning

"WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR HER!!!" he shouted out in fear of losing Nia on the ship🛳from sinking and refused to do nothing!
As Brainy was about to jump onto the ship when Kara stopped him before he had the chance to... and said. "Brainy, I'm so sorry! We can't.
It's too late!" Kara said sadly. "YES, WE CAN! I can. It's never too late to save the people we love❤️! Especially, Nia Nal. I love her!
So, I'm going! And I refuse to lose her by doing nothing... I'm going back for Nia." Brainy said urgently as he jumped off the lifeboat into the air using his flight ability to fly onto the ship. "Brainy! Wait." Kara shouted out to Brainy when he took off like that. As the waves🌊 current took the lifeboats out to Sea And she hoped that he would get to Nia in time before the ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean... with them still on the ship! he landed on the deck safely and then immediately ran past 20 people still trying to get off the ship onto the remaining lifeboats... As he quickly searched the ship from top to bottom at super speed⏩looking for Nia Nal (his girlfriend). Before its too late!

*Meanwhile with Nia still on the ship🛳*
she made it to the engine control room and tried her best to stop the water from overflowing from the pipes Using her dream🌀energy✨at full power preventing from the ship sinking while struggling to keep it up. As she groans in pain as her powers began to glitch out and disappeared! the water came rushing out filling up the room... when suddenly, everything around her stopped. Like time froze. Then she heard a mysterious feminine voice say in the distance... "Nia Nal. Dreamer," the voice said wisely while echoing softly to her.
As Nia turned around said. "Is someone there?" She questioned out loud whose voice that was... when a Bird of glimmering blue light sends off Naltorian vibes and its whole body is made entirely out of raw dream🌀energy✨appeared in front of Nia in the air flying beautifully. Seeing that mythical creature before her... which she thought was a myth that her mother told her when she was little.

And Nia just couldn't believe that she was seeing a mythical creature from her mother's planet before her eyes in front of her... As it spoke out to her. "I am the DreamBird! The mythical creature of dream energy. And the source of the origins where your powers come from. But you knew that already..." Dreambird said introducing itself While predicting that And continued on... "Which is why I can give you the power to help save your friends and everyone on the ship. That is if you accept my offer. Nia Nal," DreamBird said offering its help to Nia in in lending her an ounce of her power to  save everyone! As Nia thought about it! And came to a decision and said. "Yes, I accept. I'll do what it takes to save my friends. Everyone... Just tell me what I need to do!" Nia said dearly to the Dream bird in what she must do... It nodded at Nia's answer and replied. "Very well then. But be warned, Nia Nal. The power that I will grant you is only temporarily due your body not able to handle this ultimate Dream power. So, Are you willing to take the risk?" It asked her wisely.

As Nia thought about it long and hard and said. "Yes, I completely understand. And I'm willing to take that risk...
To save everyone on this ship! Including, my friends." She answered the dream bird heroically. As it understood Nia Nal's decision and unfrozen time while glowing and went into Nia's body merging with her. Then Nia glowed brightly like a blue light in the night sky. As her whole body was instantly made of dream energy, her eyes turned white too. And floating in the air like she had the ability to fly...

Brainy finally found Nia and said. "Nia?" He questioned softly when seeing her floating in the air.
As her body glowed brightly made of raw Dream🌀energy✨. He knew that she merged with the Dream Bird in order to save
Everyone on the ship🛳. But there was a 78% chance of her surviving this! and could possibly die from unleashing the ultimate power of
Dream energy... he looked at Nia in fear of losing her. As She looked down at Brainy and said. "I'm Sorry, Brainy. But I have to do this," Nia said sadly. As he immediately flew up to her in talking her out of this. "Nia. please, Don't do this! I-I c-can't lose you. I LOVE YOU!!!" Brainy said dearly to her while whimpering in tears💦. As Nia saw his tears and said. "I love you too. Which is why I must do this!" She said Lovely While Saying her final goodbye to him. Then Nia unleashed her ultimate dream power creating a powerful energy wave blast! Brainy got hit by the blast and landed on the ground. It faded as everything on the ship was magically✨repaired and fixed as everyone was back onboard...

As Brainy was on his feet healed quickly from the impact from the blast... looking for Nia if she were still alive.
Then he smiled when seeing her on the floor and saw the DreamBird had left her body while hoping that his girlfriend is ok.
And he was right by her side awaiting her to wake up holding her dearly when she finally opened her eyes to see Brainy by her side.
Which made her smile and said. "Brainy," she said softly. As he hugged Nia lovely when hearing her voice. Nia, you're alive! But how?" he said asked Nia to how she survived that. As she stood up and said. "I can't explain what happened... it's just a feeling," she said softly.
"I'm just glad that you're ok," Brainy said lovely as he smiled at her. "Me too," Nia said lovely with a smile too. As they leaned into a kiss.

After that, the SuperFriends enjoyed the rest of their vacation!
having a lot of fun while enjoying themselves and with each other...

*2 days later*
they all sighed with relief and were happy to be back home!
As they've kinda missed being Heroes from their time away...
And couldn't wait to get back into action and back at work too.

*Sorry, if this chapter was long😅from my other chapters I write...
But this was a special Chapter! So, I hope you enjoyed it!

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