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amid the twinkling city lights and the gentle hum of new york's bustling streets, harry and georgia found themselves on their first official date as a couple. the air was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation, their hearts beating in time with the rhythm of their steps.

they had chosen a charming little bistro tucked away in a cozy corner of the city. the soft glow of candlelight illuminated the intimate space, casting a warm and romantic ambiance that felt like a world of their own.

Aas they entered the bistro, harry held the door open for georgia, his eyes never leaving hers. her smile was infectious, a reflection of the happiness that bubbled within her. they were greeted by the soft strains of a love song playing in the background—a melody that seemed to encapsulate the emotions swirling between them.

seated at a corner table adorned with a single rose, they exchanged glances that spoke volumes—excitement, a touch of nervousness, and an underlying sense of comfort that came from knowing they were both exactly where they wanted to be.

as they perused the menu, their fingers brushed against each other, igniting a spark of electricity that sent a shiver down georgia's spine. they shared stories, laughter, and meaningful glances as they talked about everything from their favourite childhood memories to their dreams for the future.

the food was exquisite—each bite a symphony of flavours that seemed to mirror the complexity of their emotions. they toasted to the night ahead, clinking glasses with a sense of celebration that was uniquely theirs.

as the evening progressed, the conversation grew deeper, their connection strengthening with every shared thought and whispered sentiment. it was as if the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them, lost in each other's gaze.

after dessert, harry leaned in slightly, his voice a gentle murmur. "would you like to take a walk?" he asked, his eyes reflecting the moonlight that streamed through the window.

georgia nodded, her heart dancing in her chest as they stood and made their way outside. the city seemed to have quieted down, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of spring flowers and the promise of new beginnings.

they walked hand in hand, their fingers interlocked as if they were afraid to let go. they shared stories of their favourite places in the city, their laughter creating a melody that harmonised with the distant sounds of the city.

as they reached a small park illuminated by string lights, harry stopped and turned to georgia, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and adoration. "georgia," he began, his voice soft but unwavering, "this evening has been... incredible. being here with you, it's like everything falls into place."

georgia's heart swelled with emotion, her gaze locked onto his. "harry," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity, "this feels like a dream, like a melody I never want to end."

with those words, harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. he opened it to reveal a delicate necklace—a pendant shaped like a sunflower, a symbol that held a deeper meaning between them.

"i know it's early," harry said, his voice a gentle whisper, "but i wanted to give you something that reminds you of our connection, of the way you've brought light into my life."

tears welled up in georgia's eyes as she accepted the necklace, her heart overflowing with gratitude and emotion. she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips—a kiss that held the promise of a future filled with love, shared melodies, and endless moments like this.

and as they stood beneath the stars, wrapped in each other's arms, it felt like the beginning of a love story that was destined to be as enchanting as the city around them.


first offical date as a couple!!!

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