Chapter 18

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Carter's POV

"You know you didn't have to walk me to school I'm not a child."

Garrett smiles, "Maybe if you stopped getting yourself grounded then we both wouldn't have to walk."

I roll my eyes, "I always throw parties when they're gone what did they expect?"

"You trashed your mothers house did you really think you she was just gonna let that go?"

"I was gonna clean it. How was I supposed to know they were gonna come back that soon."

He laughs, "That sounds like a you problem."

At least I don't have my car for only two days. Plus I don't mind spending time with Garrett he's been really busy lately I've barely seen him.

I glance at him as we're walking, "Can I ask you a question?"

He nods, "Of course."

"Why are Liv and Sof not visiting?" I watch his body language closely but damn this family they're so good at keeping their reactions in. Nothing breaks their composure even if they're upset.

I guess they have to be that way. They can't show what bothers them because then our enemies will take advantage of that.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Liv said they'll visit in a month and it's been longer than that."

This time he glances at me, "It could be Sofia's work."

I groan, "Bullshit. Tell me the truth."

"There's nothing going on Carter."

I stop in my tracks and he does the same. I get closer to him, "Just because I don't want to be involved in the family business doesn't mean I don't know how to get answers out of you."

He smirks, "I would like to see you try."

"You know Mama taught me everything right?"

"Oh please I can beat Megan in a fight so easily."

I smile , "Don't let her hear that or you're in big trouble."

I start walking again and he does the same, "I really don't know."

"I know you know. You know everything. Come on please tell me she's my sister."

He looks like he's fighting with himself and then he sighs, "They're scared to lead people back here."

"Whoa what?" I ask confused.

"Sofia has tried to keep Olivia out of the public's eyes as much as she can. People know she's in a relationship but they don't know with who."

I nod, "Yeah I know Mama praises Sofia for that. What about it though?"

"Gosh Megan is gonna kill me for telling you this." He mumbles.

"What? What's wrong?"

"There was a security breach at the firm in Italy about a month ago. We lost some files and a little after that someone ran a background check."

"On who? Sofia? Olivia? Mom?" I ask nervously.

He takes a deep breath, "You. The background check was on you."

My heart skips a beat which causes me to release a shaky breath, "On me?"

"I don't want you to worry. The two things might not even be connected. Someone could have just ran a background check on you just because."

"Can't you guys backtrace to see who ran it."

He shakes his head, "Whoever did it was good at it. Left no traces."

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