Chapter 1

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Carter's POV

The sun hitting my eyes makes me stir on the bed. I open my eyes slowly and squint. When I look at the time my eyes widen.

Shit it's 9:30 and my first class started at 9. I look at the naked girl sleeping next to me and groan. I should have not partied the night before the first day of of my junior year of college.

"Hey get up you gotta go."

The girl doesn't even move.

"Selena get up." I whine.

She groans, "It's Angela."

Same freaking thing. She doesn't look like she's going to move so I just leave her in my bed and go towards the bathroom. I take the quickest shower and put on clothes as fast as I can.

Once I get out the girl I now know as Angela is sitting on my bed rubbing her eyes. The sheets are wrapped around her body. I feel like this sight would usually make people stop and take everything in but I'm different.

I don't feel my heart beat faster or even slower while looking at her. She's just a woman and there's nothing special about her.

"Hey, you have to go I'm leaving for school."

She looks up, "Yeah I was about to get up and leave."

I nod, "My parents are coming home so you have to be gone in 15 minutes. I'm leaving so just don't steal from me."

She laughs, "I won't but can I see you again?"

I slightly smile, "Look Angela I'm sure you're a great person but-"

"You don't sleep with the same person twice." She finishes what I was going to say in a nicer way

"I'm really sorry."

She gets up from the bed, "You're good it was an amazing night." With that she walks into my bathroom.

I leave my room and make my way downstairs. I quickly grab a granola bar and run outside. I get into my white 2022 M3 BMW and start driving right away. Since it's later in the morning the traffic has cleared up.

I speed there and make it there in 10 minutes. I quickly grab my bag and stumble out of my car. I run towards the school dodging people in my way.

The hallway is full of people since everyone has class at different times so I push pass everyone.

I round the corner and see the room. Just as I stand by the room the door swings open. I bite my lip not to gasp.

Is this the professor? There is just no way. Did I die and go to heaven or something?

Her beautiful red hair falls perfectly on her shoulder and don't get me started on her piercing green eyes.

"And you are?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

Those green eyes. They have a familiar look to them. I've never seen this woman before though.

I realize I'm staring so I clear my throat, "Carter Woods."

"Are you in this class?" She asks with one of her hands on her hip.

"Yeah sorry I'm a little late."

She simply nods and opens the door further for me to step in. I look around the room and make eye contact with my best friend. She waves and points to the sit next to her.

I quickly walk up and sit next to her. The professor starts teaching again and I take a deep breath.

"Late on the first day of the third year of college." Bre whispers out the obvious.

I get comfortable in my seat, "I slept through my alarm."

"Was it because of the alcohol or the woman?" She asks.

"Both." I answer and Bre hums.

I look at the professor again, "Is she new?"

"Yeah she just moved here."

"Ms.Woods you interrupted my class and to top it off you have been talking with your friend. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" The professor interrupts our conversation and I feel my face turn red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I quickly apologize and turn my attention back to the lecture.

She's wearing a black skirt and a white long sleeve button up. I can't stop staring, her body is just perfect.

Bre chuckles quietly next to me, "Well she definitely doesn't like you."

I smile, "No one likes me in this school."

"That's because you get in trouble constantly and we're in college so they all get annoyed easily."

I nod and we both bring our attention back to the lecture. But I can't help but keep stealing glances at the professor. There's something about her that's different from any other teacher I've had before.

"Can we skip after this?" I ask Bre.

"You have even been here for 10 minutes." She says the obvious.

"I know but I'm really not feeling it today."

Bre frowns, "What about your parents though? They're gonna be upset."

"It's collage they won't know."

She rolls her eyes, "That's a lie and you know it. They always find out everything."

She's right they always find out everything but for some reason I just need to get out of school.

I wanted to go out of state for college but with my conditions it was better for me to stay close to home. Moms liked it better that way and I didn't mind at all. I love it here.

"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission."

Bre obviously doesn't like the idea but she nods anyway. The rest of the class I zone out while the professor is teaching.

Once the lecture is done I quickly get up and get ready to bolt out the door but I stop myself. My eyes travel to the professor again and I sigh.

"Excuse me, Professor..." I realize I don't even know her last name.

"Valdez." She says and I nod.

"Professor Valdez, I just wanted to apologize again for being late and interrupting class. It won't happen again."

She looks at me with her intense green eyes and I feel like she's seeing right through me, "One thing I don't condone is being late Ms.Woods."

I give her another nod and stand there awkwardly. She points with her finger to the door telling me with her eyes to get the hell out. I don't need to be told twice so I leave her classroom without glancing back.

Bre is waiting outside for me, she has this teasing smile on her face, "You just apologized."

We start walking side by side, "And?"

"You never apologize."

"I apologize all the time."

She steps in front of me, "You only apologize to your parents."

I move past her and groan, "It's not a big deal Bre. I just felt bad for interrupting class."

She narrows her eyes but nods. We walk outside and I smile, "Should we go get the boys and go downtown?"

"Your parents are definitely gonna kill us."

"I'll take that as a yes."

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