Chapter 10

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Carter's POV

There's something off about this woman but I don't know what. The fact that she knew I spoke in Italian tells me that she does too.

That's why I didn't tell her that I visit Italy all the time. My parents have taught me to be cautious in situations like these.

"Carter, you don't want to eat?" Maya asks with her mouth full of pizza. Riley wouldn't let her have ice cream until she ate so we stopped by a pizza shop.

I smile, "Remember how I told you I can only eat healthy stuff?" She nods, "Well pizza is against the rules."

Her little eyes grow big but she doesn't say anything and goes back to eating.

"If you can't have pizza then get a salad or something." Riley says from next to me.

I slightly turn so I'm facing her, "I'm okay. My parents prefer to cook for me which is better. I rather be safe."

"Safe from what?" She asks and tilts her head.

"Dal morire." I tell her in Italian testing her. Her bottom lip twitches.

"I taught Italian a few years ago." She replies knowing I caught her.

"Mommy can I have another slice?" Maya asks and breaks up our staring contest. Those green eyes are so captivating, I can get lost in them forever.

Riley takes out another slice for her and puts it on her plate then she looks back to me.

"So umm where's Maya's umm-"

"Father?" She asks and I nod.

"He's always going to be with her." Her voice slightly breaks and I frown.

"Sorry I didn't mean to overstep." I quickly reply hoping the sad look on her face is gonna go away.

I don't even know what she meant by what she said.

"You didn't but if you were solely asking that to know if I'm single then the answer is yes."

I bite my lip not to smile. Who cares that she doesn't remember me we can always make new memories. All I need is one night with her.

I open my mouth to reply to her but she slightly brings her hand up and stops me.

"Sweetie go get gum balls from the machine over there." Riley tells Maya and hands her quarters. Maya giggles and quickly gets out of her seat.

Riley then looks at me, "But I'm not sleeping with you. At least not a one night stand."

My eyes widen, "I never asked you to."

She smirks, "But your eyes did."

I look away from her immediately and get up. This woman is crazy. How can she be so freaking blunt.

I hear her laugh but choose to ignore it. I walk to Maya and pick her up, "Cupcake what colors did you get?"

"Red and blue." She giggles.

I start walking back to Riley with her in my arms. She's getting up to and packing up their stuff. I walk outside and she follows me.

Maya wiggles her feet and I put her down. She immediately holds on to my hand and starts skipping.

"You know she's usually shy." Riley says as we keep walking.

"Shy? Really?" I ask surprised.

She hums, "She barely speaks around people she doesn't know."

"Guess she's taken a liking in me then." I whisper but it's loud enough for her to hear.

We keep walking and the feeling in my chest gets stronger. I've been trying to ignore it but my chest feels heavier.

"Carter you're walking slow." Maya groans.

I blink a few times to try to get rid of my blurry vision, "Sorry little one."

She drags my arm and I try to speed up but I'm getting dizzy so I let go of her hand. This would be a good time to mention to Riley that I forgot to take my medicine.

"Riley umm you go ahead with Maya I need to sit down for a second."

She takes Maya's hand but frowns, "Are you okay? You look pale."

"Ugh crap." I mumble and hold on to my shirt right over my heart.

With my other hand I take out my phone and call Mama.

"Carter what's wrong?" Riley asks with a worried look but I don't answer her.

"Hey honey, how's everything?"

"Mama I don't feel good. I forgot to take my medicine that was in my car." I ramble out, nervous.

There's sounds of shuffling, "Where are you?"

"A few blocks by your club. Track my phone." I try to take a breath in but nothing is helping.

"Is anyone with you?" She asks and I hear her turn on her car.

I look at Riley who looks worried sick, "No. No one's with me."

"Okay honey I'll be there soon." She says and I hang up which she probably won't like but I need to talk to Riley.

"Okay Riley I need you to leave." I mumble and just as my knees give out on me I feel strong arms around my waist.

She's holding me against her, "I'm not leaving you."

"My mom will be here in five minutes and you're my professor. She's gonna have questions."

She seems hesitant. Her arm is still around me and she helps me walk to a bench.

"Carter are you okay?" Maya asks with tears in her eyes.

I try to smile, "I'm okay cupcake. I just forgot to take my medicine."

"Vitamins my ass." Riley mumbles angrily.

"Go on a date with me." The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

Her piercing green eyes land on my face and she tilts her head, "What?"

There's no going back now, "I don't just want a one night stand. I know our situation might not be ideal but go on a date with me."

For the first time she genuinely smiles at me and covers Maya's ears, "When was the last time you slept with someone?"

I frown. I have no idea why she wants to know but I answer her anyway, "Last night."

"Go a week without sleeping with anyone and then ask me again." She says and stops covering Maya's ears.

My mouth falls open but I quickly close it and nod, "Okay yeah. I can do that. Totally."

She laughs and gets up, "Okay I'm gonna go now your mom is probably close."

I stop her and kiss Maya's cheek first and then wave bye, "I'll see you later then." She nods and they start walking away.

How hard can one week be? I can totally do it.

Her Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن