Chapter 11

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Carter's POV

"Carter you haven't moved from this couch for four days now." Mama groans and sits next to me.

I slightly turn my head to look at her, "That's not true I've been going to classes so technically I have moved from this couch."

"You know what I mean. You go to classes and then come back and sit right on this couch. You even called out of work."

I turn off the TV and sit up on the couch, "There's girls and guys at the club." I mumble.

She frowns, "What?"

"Most of the people that come to the club are single girls and single guys." I whine.

Mama chuckles, "So? That has never been a problem for you."

Well it is now. My very intimidating professor said one week. It's been four days and I've managed to hold out.

"Mmm true I'll start working in a few days again." She nods but it's obvious she's suspicious so I just smile.

"I'm gonna go to the store." I tell her and get up.

"Be safe and call me if you need anything."

I nod and make my way to the front door. I grab my keys and walk out the door. I get into my car and start driving. The store isn't that far away it's about a 5 minute drive.

I'm not the type of person to fall head over heels for a girl and I'm also not the type to really listen to a random girl.

That's why this whole thing confuses me. I don't go on dates but I asked her on one. I like her maybe a little too much for the short while we've known each other.

I snap out of my thoughts when I get to the store. I park and get out, walking into the store. No more chips so I'm gonna settle on crackers and hummus.

I walk to the aisle that has the crackers first. I look at the different ones and I grab a box to inspect it. Someone calling my name makes me put down the box.

I turn around and I don't know if I should smile or run, "Long time no see Carter."

"Michelle what are you doing here?" I ask and smile.

She walks up to me and hugs me, "Visiting my parents."

It is true that I never sleep with the same person twice but with Michelle that was different. At some point I couldn't bother finding a new person and Michelle was always there.

She's the only person I've slept more than once with.

"How have you been?" She asks smiling.

I lean against the wall, "Good. Going to class and working."

Damn it she looks good. Extremely good. I should have stayed home.

She brushes her hand against my arm, "There's this party later, you should come."

I stop leaning on the wall and clear my throat. I'm almost there. I need that date. I need her more than I need this, "Sorry Michelle the doctors said no alcohol for a while." I tell her which is technically not a lie.

She walks a little bit closer to me, "Well then we can skip the party and just go to my room instead."

I back away, "I'm good. It was nice to see you again though."

She bites her lip and it's obvious she's trying to not frown, "Wow Carter Woods saying no to sex? That's a first."

I laugh, "Trust me I'm surprised myself."

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