Chapter twelve

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"Wait wait wait, I'm sorry, you what?" Georgie uttered, massaging his temple slowly, "Please tell me I didn't hear that right Jenna."

The woman sighed, letting her back rest against the door of her car.

It was show time.

They were alone in the streets, all the other policemen had already left, leaving Jenna and Georgie behind. It was the brunette's only chance to convince her partner that she had unfortunately lost their most important evidence. Her chance to prove herself to Enid while not raising suspicions.

"I lost the evidence." She breathed out, making sure that no one was hiding somewhere, listening to them. "The... The hair. I lost it."

As soon as he heard the words once more, Georgie angrily kicked the wheel behind Jenna, making the latter almost Jump in surprise.

"Oh for god's sake Ortega, what the fuck?!"

The detective had an angry frown darkening his features, making Jenna almost shiver in dread. If he didn't believe her, she was done for.

"How did you even-" He paused mid-sentence as his voice started to raise, before taking a deep breath, finally looking into the brunette's eyes again. "How did you lose it?"

Jenna shrugged, her eyes stuck on her feet. She was shaking a bit, from fear of being caught, but hopefully Georgie would just think that she genuinely felt terrible.

"I don't know, a second I had it and the next..." She trailed, and her partner released a low sigh.

"Did you look for it?"

"What do you think?!" Jenna exclaimed, "I looked everywhere, I swear! It's like it disappeared"

"Fucking-" Georgie shook his head, "What are we gonna do now? God Jenna, we could've had her DNA! Do you realize it?!"

Jenna's eyebrows furrowed, "Yeah, yeah I do Georgie, god- of course I do!" She shook her head, looking up at her partner with a pleading gaze, her eyes sparkling slightly. "Please... please don't tell the captain about it."

Georgie seemed surprised by her request as he took a step back, "You can't... you can't ask me that..?"

The brunette gulped, finally allowing the tears she had been holding to fall. "I know I'm asking a lot, and I'm so sorry... But you know how much he hates me, right?"

Georgie kept on staring at the brunette with his eyebrows furrowed.

"If he finds out I lost it... Hell, he'll immediately suspend me, or worse, and- I can't have that, I need this job, I don't have anyone else..."

She noticed his gaze soften as she said the word and mentally patted herself on her back at this.

"I'm begging you... just don't say a thing, we can pretend it just doesn't exist, and no one even knows about it besides us. There wasn't any CCTV in the bathroom, no one will know... please Georgie."

"I-" He sighed, "F-fine, okay, I won't say a thing just... calm down"

Her lips curled into a small smile at the words, "Really?"

"Yeah," He sighed, "Yeah really. We'll find another way to find her, it's... okay."

Jenna could tell he was still a bit skeptical, but luckily for her Georgie was one of the rare people who was still on her side. It was her first time doing such a big mistake, and her partner knew it.

"Thank you so much, god, I- I owe you,"

"Yeah, you do," He scoffed, a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. "Let's just go back there now, they'll get suspicious," Georgie said and Jenna nodded.

My Thorns (Jenna Ortega X Emma Myers)Where stories live. Discover now