Chapter two

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"God, you look awful,"

"Thanks, Olivia," Jenna answered, sighing. She was used to her friend being like this, she knew she meant no harm at all and she would've snapped back any other time, Jenna was way too exhausted that day, which Olivia quickly seemed to notice.

The brunette girl sat down on the chair next to her desk, like she always did, before speaking up again.

"Are you alright?" Her voice was laced with concern, making Jenna feel incredibly bad. She hated when people were pitying her, she clearly preferred the teasing.

"Yup, just tired," She answered with a small smile on her lips, trying to just shrug it off.

Her conversation with Maddie the night before had completely drained her.

She hoped that the alcohol would've made her forget everything by the time she'd wake up, it obviously did not. Jenna barely slept at all, replaying the conversation in her head over and over again until her alarm ringed, reminding her that she had to wake up and face the day, despite her own issues.

Not standing staying in her apartment for any longer, Jenna had decided to come to work sooner, at least her boss wouldn't annoy her about her punctuality, and work might help clear her mind.

"Don't bullshit me, Jen, I know you" Olivia said, and Jenna lowered her gaze to her feet, not daring to look into her friend's eyes anymore,

"You know I'm here if you need to talk, right?"

"And I don't." She stated, her voice low,

"I'm really not in the mood now Olivia, please."

Her friend sighed, "Alright, I'll leave you alone then... You know where to find me if you change your mind," She said, and the brunette nodded slowly.


Olivia gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before leaving her alone, and Jenna buried her head in her arms. She needed to stop thinking about it, and focus on work, or she'd go insane.

She had a busy day ahead of her anyway, no time for anything else.

Barely a few minutes later, Jenna noticed her partner that had just arrived in the office in the corner of her eyes and her lips curled into a faint smile. The day could finally start. She got up and made her way to his desk, hoping that he had made more progress than she had.

She doubted it, to be completely honest.

As soon as he noticed her, he gave her a gentle smile and gestured to the chair in front of him for her to sit there.

Hunter, her partner for this case, was one of the few people she could stand there. He was clearly not the best detective, nor the brightest, but at least he wasn't another overconfident misogynist asshole, so Jenna figured it was okay, she could work with it. She was pretty glad she was assigned head detective though. Their captain might hate her and make it known but he wasn't stupid, he knew Jenna wasn't a bad detective, no matter how bad he wished she was.

"So, got anything?" She asked him as soon as she was settled, deciding not to waste time, and the detective shook his head.

"No, Nothing. It's like the thief's some kind of ghost, he didn't leave anything behind." He said, already sounding defeated,

"I don't want to be pessimistic but if the forensic don't have anything I doubt we'll find him."

"Or her," Jenna answered, a frown on her face, "And we still have many things to do, I already called the owner of the bar he went to, they do have CCTV cameras but they were all out that night, so that's an interesting lead, I'm sure we can find witnesses," She explained and the detective nodded slowly.

My Thorns (Jenna Ortega X Emma Myers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora