Chapter eleven

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It had been two weeks, and Jenna was slowly losing any hope of ever hearing of Enid again.

Ever since their encounter, the woman had completely disappeared. Not one crime, or at least they didn't think so as nothing that happened recently really matched her typical style nor had her signature, the single red rose. She hadn't tried to contact Jenna either, and the brunette thought that was it. She had really fucked up.

She kept on thinking about that evening, it haunted her daily, and even when she managed to fall asleep, Enid was waiting for her in her dreams and nightmares.

Her piercing gaze, slender body, the way she moved so swiftly. The thing Jenna couldn't forget at all was her voice though, which, despite the coldness, had some hint of softness in it that made her head spin madly. Enid drove her crazy, even when she wasn't physically there.

Ever since that evening, Jenna's days had been dull. The case wasn't progressing at all and the fact that Enid had decided to go off radars didn't make it easier for them at all.

Sure, not having new murders was rather a good thing, but everyone was getting tenser every day knowing that a serial killer was still on the loose and ready to strike any time. They needed to catch her, but how?

Jenna spent her evenings imagining new strategies to get to her again, whether it was to arrest her or help her, she wasn't sure. The good and evil parts in her kept on fighting, making her more confused by the second. But at last, no matter what it was for, she needed to see her again. It was like her life depended on it.

Their captain had grown tired of the situation as well, obviously, and eventually decided that this case wasn't so critical anymore. Both Jenna and Georgie had been assigned to other less relevant cases and the brunette was wondering if there was even a point in trying anymore.

She felt like she was slowly dying.

Olivia had stopped trying to get to her, Jenna knew it was her turn to make a move if she didn't want to lose her only friend, but she didn't have the strength to do anything about it. She'd just wait, see what happen.

Hopefully, at some point, Enid would come back and give her the second chance Jenna was so despairingly waiting for. This time, she swore to herself that she would do anything to get back on the woman's good side.


"Jules?" Emma called, a bouquet of roses in her hands, the girl instantly turned around, looking back at the woman with big eyes, "This is for Ms. LeBlanc, please be careful," she said as she handed the younger girl the flowers.

Jules's hands were shaking, which didn't go unnoticed by Emma as a concerned frown appeared on her face.

"Is everything okay?"

Jules only nodded before quickly leaving the small room to give their customer her order. Emma only got more confused, wondering what was up with the young apprentice. She had been acting strangely around her for a while now which worried her. She thought their relationship was good, would she disappoint her too?

Hell, Emma didn't want to have to get rid of her too. She kinda liked Jules, she was obedient at least.

Shaking her head, she got back to work, unconsciously humming quietly to some songs while picking out the perfect flowers for her new bouquet. Everything else in her life was falling apart. She had found some kind of stability before, but ever since her pretty brunette broke her trust... Emma was having a hard time recovering from it.

Sure, she understood why Jenna did that. She still saw her as a threat, it was only normal that she had brought something to defend herself if needed. But Emma needed her to trust her fully, to give her all of the power. Emma wasn't one to share that.

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