"I don't! Shoot, even if it was a normal wedding, I would still not want that," I said, my face burning.

        "Aw, come on, please? At least tell me you've worn it," she begged, putting away the hairbrush and giving wide, pleading eyes.

        I practically went ballistic. "Of course I haven't worn it!"

        Kylie was disappointed. "Why not?" she pouted.

        "Because things aren't like that anymore!" I said, blushing furiously. "It was a one night thing that will never ever happen again, okay?"

        "That's not what Clay's been telling us," Nina said, her hands on her hips.

        I swear I'm going to throttle that boy. "Clay happens to be extremely opinionated on the matter and I would not trust him as a credible source," I said coolly.

        "What is this, an English essay?" Kylie cried. "I'm taking his word over yours for once, because you are desperately trying to downplay how steamy things are between you and Grayson."

        "Me too," Nina chimed in.

        They were possibly the worst best friends I'd ever had–and they were the only best friends I'd ever had. Scowling, I announced, "I am going to my room!"

        "Ooooh, Grayson's room," Kylie sang.

        Out of defenses, I stomped my way down the hall in my little fuzzy slippers with my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed. Stupid Nina. Stupid Kylie. Super stupid Clay. Stupid Grayson Ferguson Answell with his stupid kindness and stupid life and stupid mother. Stupid foot that I just used to kick open the stupid door and now stings.

        Grayson looked up from his laptop at the noise. "Whoa, you okay?"

        "Stop being nice!" I snapped, then immediately felt bad. "No, sorry, I didn't mean that. That was rude of me."

        "It's okay. Can I help with anything?" he asked gently.

        I let out a slow, shuddering breath. "No, I'm sorry, Grayson, really. Just a little tense between the wedding and the fake romance and the golf outing tomorrow," I said, closing my eyes for just a moment.

       "That's okay, really. I'd be worried if you weren't a little stressed out," he said, his lips quirking with a smile. 

        "I'd be worried too," I confessed, laughing a little.

        Grayson patted the space next to him on the comforter, so I sat down, sticking out my slipper feet. They were little koalas, with ears at the end. They were a small comfort in this mess, which I found a little sad. 

        "Jackie, I know all of this is new for you. Maybe I can't understand your feelings because I've grown up this way, but I know it has to be scary," he said softly. "I've only known you a few weeks now, but I honestly think you're handling this really well. You seem strong and good at adapting. While I know it's all temporary, I think you'd make a great business partner to someone someday. Keep believing in yourself, Jacks."

        A rush of serenity flooded my brain, settling down all the crazy feelings from a moment ago. "Thanks, Grayson. You have no idea how much that comforts me. But um, what's up with Jacks?" I asked.

        His adorable blush spread across his nose and cheeks. "Just um, I don't know, something I just uh, kind of said. Sorry."

        "No, I like it," I said with a small smile.

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