"What the hell are you doing?" I shrieked, terrified someone might run us over, then I'd have to die with him. Something I did not want.

Utterly unperturbed, Cole said, "Get out."

"You can't be serious," I said.

"I'm not going to say it twice," he warned me, his voice so composed it was chilling.

This was getting grim.

"Well, you're going to have to because there's no way I'm moving from here." I tried to stare at him as coldly as he was at me.

He pulled out his keys, got out, and closed his door. My eyes bugged out as I watched him walk around the back and reappear next to my door. I tried to lock the door, but this was one of the vehicles that didn't lock without they key in the car.

I've got to admit, he was a scary bastard when he got pissed off, and at that moment, he couldn't have been any angrier. My heart started pounding when I felt that sensation I knew so well: fear.

He opened my door and repeated the same phrase from before. "Get out."

My mind was going at a million miles an hour. He was crazy; he couldn't just leave me there in the middle of the road in the dark, surrounded by nothing but trees.

"I'm not." I refused. An irrational fear was gathering in the pit of my stomach. If that idiot left me here, I thought, looking out into the black night, some fool would run me down.

He'd surprised me again, and once again, it was not a good surprise.

He crawled up on my seat, unclicked my seat belt, and pulled me out of the car so fast I couldn't fight back.

"Are you out of your mind?" I shouted as he walked back to the driver's seat.

"Get this straight," he told me over his shoulder. He looked like a statue of ice. "You're not going to talk to me like that. I've got enough problems of my own without putting up with your shit. Get an Uber, call your mom, I don't care. I'm out."

I tried to open the vehicle door, but it was locked. HOW DID HE DO THAT?

He got back in and put his car in gear. I could feel my hands shaking.

"Cole, you can't leave me here!" I roared as the car started to roll and the tires squealed. "Cole!"

That scream was followed by a deep silence that made me worry my heart would stop. This was real and worse than I could have imagined.

The sky was just black, and the moon was far from full. I tried to control my fear and my irrational desire to kill that son of a bitch who had left me stranded here my first day in the city. I even thought about making myself go missing for two days, and get him arrested.

I held on to the hope that Cole would come back, but as the minutes passed, I was more and more worried. I took out my phone, but I had no service. Fuck! All I could do — and this was as awful and as dangerous as just standing here — was try to thumb a ride and pray that a civilized adult would take pity on me and take me home. And if that happened, I'd take care of that bastard stepbrother and enjoy it. That dickhead didn't know whom or what he was playing with.

I saw a car coming from the direction of the yacht club, and I prayed it was Richard's Mercedes.

I came as close to it as I could without risking getting hit and stuck out my thumb the way my Dad taught me. I know that half the time a person tried to do it and they ended up murdered and thrown in a ditch. But I forced myself to push those little details out of my mind.

The first car drove past, the second shouted a series of insults, the third made a bunch of nasty sexual comments, and the fourth... The fourth stopped on the roadside five feet from where I'd been standing.

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