Chapter 50 - The Unknown

Start from the beginning

"What? I just love you soooo much, bubba!"

Jared squealed as his dad kept going. I laughed and leaned back in my garden chair.

It was a surprisingly warm day for February, so we decided to move the party outside. With eyes closed, I let myself sunbathe a little.

Only a few moments passed before someone cleared their throat. I opened my eyes to find Joseph sitting next to me.

"You look... Well, Angela." he said.

"Yeah, I've been feeling better."

"That's good. My son seems like he's finally letting you go. He can be a bit over-protective..."

"Tell me about it," I chuckled and looked at Michael who was chasing our twins around. "He's been so glued to my as- I mean, my behind. Don't tell him, but I actually like it."

He patted my hand gently, "Your secret is safe with me. All I ask in return is that you hang in there, for his sake. I can't begin to imagine what he'd do without you."

Jeez, no pressure. Thanks, Joseph.

Although I knew my husband needed me, just as much as I needed him. He was my safe place and I was his, we kept each other in balance all the time.

With that, my father-in-law excused himself to go sit with Katherine.

I closed my eyes once again, only to be nudged by Rose.

"Mommyyy can you come help me go potty?"

"I can take her." my mom offered.

"Mamma, it's fine." I stood up, taking Rose's hand.

We went in and she ran inside the bathroom. As I waited, I heard her humming when she did her business, a slight giggle escaped from my lips.

Gosh, she's growing up way too fast on me...

"Mommy," Rose called. "I need help with my dwess."

I fluffed up her dress after adjusting it. "You're so pretty, baby."

"Thanks, mommy. You're so pwetty, too. Even though I miss your hair." she touched the head wrap I wore.

"I miss it too, baby... Now, wash your hands and go outside."

She did as I told, placing two wet kisses on my cheeks before running outside.

Looking in the mirror, I sighed and took the wrap off. I ran my fingers over where my long, wavy hair used to be.

Four months down, two to go.


"Michael, seriously, where are we going?" I asked him for the millionth time.

The twins' party ended a few minutes ago, and he didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye to anyone before whisking me away in a car, along with Adam who was driving.

"We're going somewhere special. Don't worry about anything, alright? Trust me, and for once don't try to... Control everything." Michael smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't try to control everything!"


I punched his shoulder slightly, making him wince and rub the spot. "Ow. But seriously, relax. You'll love it."

He held both sides of my face, then kissed me deeply.

"Mmm," I moaned into his mouth. "So where are we going, again?"

My husband shook his head, leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Michaelll." I whined.

"What, babe?" he opened one eye, still smirking.

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