Chapter 13.

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As the sun light hit Akk's face, he finally opened his eyes. Since he was turned to the right, he looked directly at the window. He regretted it immediately. Because he looked to the window, his tired eyes looked accidentally into the bright sun. And it burned like hell.

Quickly, Akk shut his eyes and turned to the other side again. There he was able to take his time. But as Akk then opened his eyes, he was clearly confused. There wasn't a towel, neither his pillow. Even his carped was fixed again.

Akk sat up and looked around the room. "Ayan?" He 'yelled'. Akk still had his itchy morning voice. Quickly, he rubbed his eyes, looking around his dorm afterwards. The door of the bathroom was open so Aye wouldn't be in there. Why should he? The shower wasn't on and nobody goes to the toilet with the door open. Except when nobody was else in the house.

After looking around for three seconds, Akk saw something which was basically his proof that Ayan was here, but not anymore. On the small table in front of his bed was a little plate. On top of the plate some heart shaped waffles. Next to them were two strawberries and a small mountain of whipped cream. Even the waffles were covered in powder sugar.

A sweet meal which looked more like Akk would make for his future girlfriend. In that second, his stomach growled. And to be honest, Akk wasn't able to hold back too. He rushed to the table and sat down onto the floor, using a pillow to make it comfortable.

He was just too excited for the food that he didn't even use a fork. Normally, Akk always used forks. Even for eating fries or pizza. But today would be an exception.

Only three minutes later, he was done with all of them. From wherever Ayan ordered them, Akk had to find out. Quickly, he took his phone from the charger and wanted to text Ayan. He licked the sugar off his fingers on each side. But then he noticed: He didn't have Ayan's number. Worst timing ever!

Now, Akk had to wait until it is Monday again so he could ask Aye for his number. He really wanted to know how the shop was called Aye ordered the waffles from. Cause they were delicious! Like a creation from god.


Time flew faster than thought. Saturday was over pretty fast and Akk took the time he had on Sunday for getting a new armband. He surely didn't wanted to tell Chadok that he broke his old one, so he had to come up with another idea. And not even ten minutes after thinking, he found his perfect solution.

Akk asked Namo. For some reason, he always had prefect armbands. But he would never tell anyone where he got them from. They looked like the originals so they gotta be stolen. But even that would be completely surreal cause the doors are always locked. It was a mystery.

This time, Akk used Namo for himself. If Namo would be allowed to be there at the next "prefect meeting", he would give Akk once. Well, Akk made the whole prefect meeting just up to get the armband. But hey! Akk now got his armband. Even is Namo would be angry now.

Now, Akk was sanding outside the school, making his rounds. School already has ended for everyone. So he basically only waited for Aye so he could get the name of the shop. And maybe he would also ask for his number.

People would call him a creepy stalker or crazy for making extra rounds just to make sure he would't miss Ayan. But he had a mission.

And right before Akk wanted to leave, thinking Ayan left as he didn't notice, he saw him. The little dwarf he had been waiting on now for ten whole minutes. Akk wanted to ask him where he was but he was almost 100% sure that he got scolded by the teachers. Again.

Quickly, but without looking weird or like a murderer, he rushed over to Ayan. Already from miles away Aye could see that Akk wanted something. Even before the taller one could speak, Aye was able to cut him off. "What do you want?" He asked with the coldest voice he could bring out with his slightly high pitched voice.

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓾𝓼 / 𝓐𝓴𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓮Where stories live. Discover now