Chapter 7.

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"God! Can't that stubborn kid finally get out of this school?" Face in hands, Akk complained about Ayan. "This boy is driving me crazy!" He kicked his feet a little as he tossed and turned on his bed.

His two friends, Khan and Wat, were watching Akk act like a little kid. Khan patted Akk's shoulder softly as he sighed deeply. Meanwhile, Wat just sat on the chair he took from Akk's desk.

"Well, you must have chosen a tough nut to crack. Now he's hanging on your ass. Congratulations, I guess!" Wat made a gesture by shaking his hands as he turned in the chair so he could rest his torso against the backrest.

Khan turned to Wat and gave him a judging look. "Did you just compare the biggest threat to our school's reputation to a nut?" A soft giggle filled the room. It came from Akk, who found the idea of ​​Ayan as a nut quite amusing.

After a few seconds, Akk sighed to calm himself. His head lolled to Khan's side so he can look into his friend's eyes. "No, but really. Do you two have any idea how I can get Ayan to drop out of school? Or at least just not fuck with anyone? At least that he takes his necklace off during school time! God... is there even a rule he doesn't break?"

They both just shrugged and shook their heads. Then, Wat broke the silence. "Well... Does Aye wear the uniform?"

"Only if he wants to. So... let's say he almost ever wears it." As Akk said that, he made little " " signs with his fingers by moving his index and middle fingers. 

"Does he skip school?"

"Pretty much. The last time was yesterday." Khan spoke as he let himself fall back onto the soft mattress of Akk's bed. 

"You were on the toilet while that, stupid!" Akk took the next best he could find to throw at Wat. It was the Pillow laying under his head. But Wat caught it just in time. "But this isn't the subject right now! I need your guys help. And this is not helping!"

It took a few seconds for them all to come up with the same idea. "Detention!" This was what all three said in unison. But just as the three were about to celebrate for coming up with this brilliant idea, Khan raised his hand for a split second.

"Guys, we don't have detentions at our school." Akk and Wat then realized how stupid the three of them were. They couldn't hold back their light laughter.

Wat looked up. "And why don't we beat him at his own game?" His eyebrow rose as if his idea were self-evident. Except that now Khan and Akk didn't understand a word. They just waited for Wat to complete his sentence.

"If he wants equality, then he should get equality. Give him a 10-page errand about equality and I bet he won't annoy you anytime soon. The deadline is in 3 days. Means if you tell Ayan tomorrow he only has two days left."

A small grin formed on Akk's face. You could see in his eyes that he liked the idea of ​​Wat. With a slight nod, he confirmed his friend's statement. The idea was actually very easy to implement because Akk didn't have to prepare anything for it. "Then so be it."

The three were getting hungry. They haven't had anything to eat for about 8 hours. This was also unusual for the trio. That's why Khan came up with an idea. "Friends! Can we go into town? I want to go to the cat cafe!"

"Is it because of the cats or the food?" asked Wat. Despite his tiredness, Wat didn't mind going into town for something to eat and drink.

"Probably because of the cute waiter Khan was staring at the butt of the other day." Akk teased as he shifted his gaze to Khan. But he just blushed. To get the red color out of his cheeks, he shook his head vigorously. Cause Khan wanted to protect his ego, he chose to ignore Akk's statement and pretend nothing ever happened.


Ayan looked up at Akk. His eyes showed many emotions. Not only was it stress and frustration, but also anger and rage. "I ain't writing that shit. Especially since I don't have time today." he said with folded arms.

A small chuckle could be heard from Akk. He leaned against the door frame, one arm above his head. With a slight grin he replied, "I don't really care what you do today or tomorrow. You will write these 10 pages about your beloved equality. Unless..." Akk pointed to the board with his index finger. In fact, he pointed to the list of guys cleaning up the class that day.

This irritating feeling that just wanted to rip the list in two just kept growing bigger and bigger. Aye stared at Akk, trying his best not to punch him into the face. Ayan was disgusted by Akk with every cell of his body. But the little boy knew he couldn't do anything against the "big and strong" Head prefect.

"Okay, I'll do it. But only so that when you read my essay you'll realize how stupid your attitude towards life is. Really, I would pay to see your face when you realize how fucked up this school and it's system is." Those were Aye's words before his collar was pulled by Akk. He didn't like the feeling of being so close to Akk's face, but he loved the feeling of knowing that he had hit Akk's nerve.

As Aye was so close to Akk, he could feel his heart racing. Words cannot describe how much he hated this dwarf child. "The school and its rules are perfect. You're not cool because you break the rules, neither are you a good role model. There's a reason why these rules exist. These rules have been in place for decades and until now there has never been a problem. Not since you showed up thinking you're playing the hero because you're so "brave.""

Ayan just giggled. Before arguing any further, he decided to just leave Akk alone. Even if he still wanted to bring a few arguments, he knew that it would not improve anything. So he jerked himself loose from Akk and gave him a judging look before leaving the room. Aye had other problems and better things to do than deal with a brainwashed rule-follower.


And here we are again with another Chapter! 

I decided to give Wat and Khan more read-time (I have no idea what it actually is called) so they don't disappear behind the curtains since they also are important roles in that actual series. 

Next chapter the focus will lay again more on Akk, Wat and Khan. And also Aye. It is fr hard to explain. 

Anyways, I am sorry that I took so long. It was just that my parents are off for the weekend and now I have to take care of the house and my dog alone. And today I also went out with my best friend and visited granny and grappy so I didn't really have time and yeah! 😘 

Hope y'all understand! 💋

Have a nice day/night/whatsoever! ❤️

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓾𝓼 / 𝓐𝓴𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓮Where stories live. Discover now