Chapter 10.

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Akk took a deep breath as he wiped his tears out of his eyes for the last time. His red nose was slowly starting to change back to it's original color and the snotty nose was pretty much gone, which also prevented him from sniffing every few seconds.

From one second to the next the room, which always seemed so lovely and friendly, was to his greatest fear. Fear of losing his title as the head prefect of Suppalo. What is it worth? He had waited for years to follow and obey his teachers just to get this title. Does he want to throw that away now?

"Yes. Or no? Maybe. Probably not. But I came so far already. Mmmm... Should I risk it?" The mumbling of Akk was pretty quite. It surprised him that Khan even heard what he was saying as he felt his friend's hand on his left shoulder since Wat was standing on Akk's right.

Khan put on a reassuring smile as his hand moved slowly down Akk's arm and stopped at the prefect arm band. This reminded Akk why he actually was the head prefect. 

To be good.

The bell rang, which meant that Chadok surely is in his office. So far Akk can remember he would have a phone call in... He looked over to the clock, hanging on the wall behind him. ...15 minutes exactly. This should be enough time. 

Wat now put his hands into his pockets. "Just remember your words, Champ. Do you still remember them?" He asked, turning his face proudly to Akk. But that smile faded away quickly as he saw Akk shacking his head. "Why not!? We learned these just five minutes ago!" As if he would be angry, he turned his head away again while crossing his arms. Still, he didn't manage to keep that angry facade as he heard Khan talking.

"Yeah, we learned them five minutes ago, but we also started learning them 7 minutes ago, so..." It was actually true. Wat just said some clearly not good sounding sentences with a bad grammar and even used a politically incorrect language. If Akk didn't want to get thrown out of school, he better not remember his words.

"How about.." Khan began to talk. " just let your heart speak and don't sound like a robot anymore?" While saying that, Khan chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head, messing up his hair slightly. 

Out of his view, Khan could see Wat's smirk, knowing he was about to say something stupid. "Ooo~ Khan. My little poet." He teased while making some cat-claw hand movements. All in one he looked pretty weird and idiotic in Khan's and Akk's eyes while doing that. 

"No wonder he is still single.." Akk mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for Wat to hear. "Shut it, Mr Virgin." He teased back. The longer he was out there with Khan and Wat, the more Akk wanted to be in there with teacher Chadok. He looked back at the clock, noticing that he only had 14 minutes left. Not even thinking about what he was doing, Akk stormed into the office, without even warning Khan or Wat. 

The door fell into it's lock again the second Akk was inside the office. He smiled weirdly as he saw Chadok's stern look. The smile faded and the tall boy slowly walked closer to his teacher, biting the insides of his lips until they hurt. Chadok just turned his gaze back to the many papers which were laying in front of him. "Uhm.. Sir?" He asked for Chadok's attention as he stopped in front of the wooden desk. 

"If it is about that Ayan finally left the school, then I am happy. But if it something unimportant like that someone used their phone during class, I won't be as patient. I have a call in 13 minutes." 

"Actually." Akk began again to seem more professional as he put on his cold face. "It's about the same thing we talked about two weeks ago, Sir. The thing with Aye-an." He fastly corrected himself. 

'God... What is wrong with me today?' That thought ran through Akk's head actually since the day he saw Ayan crying on the stone bench. Since that day, something clearly changed. 

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓾𝓼 / 𝓐𝓴𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓮Where stories live. Discover now