Chapter 3.

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Ayan woke up drenched in sweat. Everything he saw was blurred. Even his memories seemed blurred. Nothing in him seemed to really work. After some seconds of force to keep his eyes open, he looked at the clock. It was 4:21 a.m. The boy wasn't even surprised anymore. It got quite normal for him to wake up so early. "Ugh.. Not again."

With sad looking eyes, Ayan got up and went to the kitchen. His legs felt weak. Just strong enough to carry his heavy body. Because the boy didn't want to break down he held himself to everything on his way in case his body would get too weak. As he was in the kitchen he sat down onto the floor. He patted the carped he was sitting on. "Alexa, play my playlist 'Aye' on Amazon music." The boy rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of them. Once Ayan's Alexa started playing love songs when he got himself up again and started baking a cake himself. "Maybe that will make me feel better.."

"Flour, eggs, baking powder, water, oil, sugar, Vanilla sugar and that's it." The boy counted the ingredients. He have his best and tried to smile but failed miserably due his tiredness. If he wouldn't suffer from Insomnia, he could have broken down falling asleep immediately. Ayan took some deep breaths while resting his head on the island before starting to bake the cake.

After one hour the cake was done. It was 5.33 a.m. "Really? So late already? Ugh." Ayan put the cake into the dinner table so it could cool down. To waste some time, Ayan decided to go to his bedroom again and lay down in his bed again trying to fall asleep without taking a pill. It probably won't work but it would be a start at least.

Before he even knew it, his alarm already went off. Out of reflexes, he threw his alarm clock onto the floor. For some reason he was startled by the loud noise it made as the alarm hit the floor.

"Leave me alone." He complained as he stood up from his bed not even getting a second of sleep since he baked the cake. Ayan went into the bathroom to get himself a glass of water for his dry throat and to swallow the pill easier.

The boy sat down on his bed and took an anti-Depressiva pill with the water. "A long day for a short boy." He tried to still joke a little bit but at the end it always would sound like as if he wanted to give up on life. Not like he had done that already months ago, but the little light of hope was still burning inside of him. Deep down in his heart behind a big wall made out of stone. And this little flame didn't have any air left so it would burn out soon.


Akk waited in the classroom for Khan and Wat to arrive. He was pretty early like usual so it still will take about 15 minutes until the other students including both his friends would come to school. Since Akk didn't want to waste any time, he looked around the classroom to check if Ayan actually cleaned it.

He went to the windows first. And to his surprise, every single window was clean. No fingerprint on the glass. Neither dust. Did Ayan really clean the whole classroom? Even the top of the closets, a place that Akk wasn't even able to reach without a chair.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Akk flinched as he heard a voice behind him. "God you sca-" Akk stopped as he noticed, who was talking to him. "Ayan? What are you doing here so early?" His mood dropped immediately. Of course. Of all people in his class, it was Ayan.

You could describe Akk's luck with Khan's straightness. Both doesn't exist.

"I wanted to surprise my classmates. But it looks like it isn't a surprise anymore." He said smiling. "What do you mean?" Akk stood up and looked down to the smaller boy to make him aware, that he is more in powerful position than him.

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓾𝓼 / 𝓐𝓴𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓮Where stories live. Discover now