The ghost reaches for the handle but you stop him with a gentle grip on his translucent wrist. "Hey, just so you know; thank you. How did you know I needed an excuse to leave?"

"Don't worry about it." BEN waves his hand dismissively but you don't miss the gloating smirk that now adorns his features. "I overheard Masky's terrible pickup line and I just knew I had to intervene. That fucker is so oblivious; he doesn't realize that perfect boyfriend material is right in front of him."

"You mean Hoody, right?" His eyes widen, almost like this was some kind of well-kept secret. "Oh don't give me that look. I saw the way he looks at him, no mask could hide all that pining."

"How could you notice and immediately and yet Masky still doesn't know?! That's so cringe, I can't with him." BEN groans, shaking his head.

"You know what they say, love is blind or something." You shrug, thinking about the man that lies behind the door. "Say, are we really gonna play Call of Duty? Didn't know you could do that split-screen."

"Me neither. Jeff discovered this feature totally by accident. And before you say anything- I'm taking Ghost." You try to argue but he immediately shoots you down. "I am literally a ghost, like, come on."

"Okay, fair point." You shrug, and without further ado, you two step into the room.

As you enter, you're immediately met with loud music, blasting from the speakers. Jeff is sprawled across his chair, facing the big monitor hanging on one of his walls. There's a can of Monster in his hand, and the man takes a generous sip before putting it back onto his dresser. True to BEN's word, Jeff is playing CoD, not even noticing that someone entered his room.

"And though my mind is somewhat jaded~" The man sings, so off-key that you have to bite your lip not to laugh. "It's time for me to strike again." Jeff rasps and you see BEN cover his mouth with his hands, also trying his best to burst into tears.

You look at BEN, tilting your head in a silent question as you point between you and Jeff. The teen nods, giving you a thumbs up.

You quietly make your way through the room, careful not to make a sound. You come to a stop right behind Jeff and raise your hands, waiting for a perfect moment to strike (preferably a chorus).

"Tonight!" He sings, sounding worse than nails on a chalkboard. "It's a hunter's- AAH!!!" Without a warning, you grab him by his shoulders, making him scream. The screen on the wall goes red, before quickly fading away to black - his character died. "Motherfucker." Jeff swears under his breath, tossing his controller aside as he turns to face you. "What do you think- oh, hi Yenne." The sight of you seemingly makes him forget about his loss, but you pay it no mind, too busy laughing at him.

"Hi, Jeffrey" You tease as BEN joins you at your side, the ghost exchanging a quick but complicated handshake with the other man. You notice that Jeff has changed into a 'fresh' white hoodie, which looks oddly similar to his previous one. It makes you wonder just how many of those he owns. "So, are we playing or not."

"Um, yeah, sure." Jeff rolls his chair over to his dresser to rummage through its shelves. Soon, he digs out a second, forest-green pad. "I only got two, we can take turns."

"No prob, I can just watch." You shrug and take a seat on a nearby bed. "I don't play on console that often anyway."

BEN takes an invisible 'seat' next to Jeff, floating cross-legged as the man passes him the controller. Leaning over, Jeff whispers something to the ghost too quietly for you to hear. BEN's eyes widen in response, and he sneaks a scandalized glance towards you before whispering something back to Jeff. The other nods and rises from his chair, offering it to BEN.

𝙒̴𝙝̴𝙖̸𝙩̶ ̴𝙖̶𝙧̸𝙚̷ ̶𝙩̴𝙝̸𝙚̶𝙮̷?̵ [✔] {Jeff the Killer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now