Chapter 28

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[ Cho Seungmin's POV ]

On the morning of our third day of break, I got a text from Moondae hyung.

Park Moondae: Hey, are you free today?

Panting, I wiped the sweat off my neck with a small towel and picked up my phone.

"Hey J, why ya stopping?"

He wasn't B or C or D. He was just another member of my Father's gang, so he didn't wear a mask. I peered at him through the holes of mine.

"Give me a minute."

Cho Seungmin: In the afternoon, yes. Why?

I waited a minute before I tossed my phone down and sighed.

"Dude, you just sighed," Jeongkook, my sparring partner, choked.

I shrugged my shoulders and got back in the ring, readjusting the tape around my knuckles.

He hit his knuckles together intimidatingly, explaining, "You never sigh."

I was frowning under my mask, but he couldn't see.

"See? Like that. You just stare at me like that all the time. Do you know how scary and boring it is?"

"Say something fun. Then I'll respond."

I swung at him with a sharp jab, and he swiveled down to avoid it.

He immediately came at me from the side with a booming laugh. He was a fighting maniac. The only reason why I spar with him was his love for doing it. No one else liked fighting enough to want to fight a stranger with a rabbit mask.

"By the way, your phone just rang."

I didn't fall for it and blocked his kick with my forearms. I had to bounce back to let the sting in my arms dissipate.

"Man, you never fall for my tricks. Oh yeah, how's your back now?" Jeongkook asked as we circled the ring slowly.

"Healed up. My fingers too," I answered. "The doctor patched me up well."

I shot another jab, but I changed the last second to a left hook, getting a clean hit. Jeongkook threw an uppercut at the same time. He barely nicked my chin.

"Give yourself some credit, J. No one works with barely fixed fingers and an almost broken back for a week and calls it fine. You're just a monster."

"I also had to practice hours as an idol trainee."

This time, it was Jeongkook's phone that rang. I knew I would get some time to myself by the way he excitedly exited the ring.

I checked my own phone.

Park Moondae: Do you want to go to this billboard together?
<picture of Seungmin and Moondae's billboards across each other at a station>

Park Moondae: It's at Yongsan station exit 3.

Cho Seungmin: I can go. What time?

Park Moondae: What about 2?

I checked the time. 12:07 PM.

I would have enough time to shower and change if I went home now.

Cho Seungmin: Ok ^^

At once, I unraveled the tape around my hands and stuffed them in my bag.

"Hyung, something came up. I'm leaving," I shouted.

Being enamored by his phone call, Jeongkook simply waved his hand without looking behind. So I left. I went through 4 different blind spots before taking off my mask and also placing that in my bag.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 ―𝐝.𝐨.𝐝Where stories live. Discover now