Chapter 25

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[ Park Moondae's POV ]

I thought Seungmin wasn't fond of physical touch.

During the recording of the ranking results, when everyone was down on the main stage to socialize, Keun Sejin wrapped his arm around Seungmin.

At once, the younger one's animosity progress increased by 5%. 

To prevent my untimely death, I pulled Seungmin away under the guise of giving him water, and once he was out of Sejin's grasp, the percentage dropped back down.

I thought that was an obvious indicator that he didn't like physical touch.

So why was it that his head would rest on mine every chance he got?

During part distributions?

He tapped his head against mine and asked if he did well after trying to sing the chorus.

Dance practice?

He would hit his head against mine and tell me I did something wrong before giving me advice.

And even during breaks like now?

He would rest his head on mine and say I make him sleepy.

Was his head feeling heavy from trying to hide his stats from me? I still wasn't sure if he was a system user or not.

Regardless, I guess he realized I was a bit uncomfortable with his touchiness. When I glanced at him, that sly punk took his head off immediately and changed the topic to what concept we should do.

Speaking of concept, it was decided that we would do Henshin Heroes. It was obvious that it would turn out well based on Raebin's lockdown on the keyboard. I could practically see the sparkles radiating from him. And that was because of his characteristic.

[ Characteristic: Maestro (A) ]
: What you need is just a small trigger
-When inspired, production speed +120%

The reason why I didn't think about doing something "hero-like" earlier was because I was worried it was too childish. Everyone's outfits would be different, and that could come off as excessive and cringy. Further, if there was one wrong move, the entire stage would be ruined because the person would stick out like a sore thumb.

But then I realized something: everyone's charm grade was above a B at the least.

"No wonder the judges didn't care about our tacky cheering squad concept itself," I realized. "It's because everyone has the charms to make it look decent."

At that moment, I allotted one point to my own charm stat so that it would rise to B-.

"As for Seungmin and his unknown stats," I thought as I glimpsed at him. He was back to his empty gaze toward the teammates dancing. Even with such a blank look, he still looked handsome, that brat.

"Well, I don't think I need to worry about him."

Just then, Ryu Chungwoo walked in.

"Everyone, shall we start practicing agai-" He saw Raebin typing vigorously on the keyboard and stopped. 

Unable to approach him, Chungwoo came to me instead.

"Hey Moondae, why is Raebin suddenly on the keyboard?"

I smiled.

"I came up with a concept idea, and I guess he likes it."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Henshin Heroes."

"'Henshin Heroes'?"

Five days remained until the day of the competition.

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