Chapter 18

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[ Cho Seungmin's POV ] first time we aren't switching to moon puppy~

[ You received 5 additional minutes for the live stream after ranking in the top 33. :)
Please announce that there's a "special gift from the contestant" (read the text on your phone) ]

"Oh, I was placed in the top 33?" I tilted my head. I didn't think I would make it.

I read the screen and checked my phone. There was a message from Idol Inc.

"'Congratulations! You've obtained 5 additional minutes--'" I skimmed through and put my phone down-- "'The viewers can now make donations of 10,000 won and send a message to the contestant they support. All the sponsorships will be sent to charity.'"

The moment I put my phone down, I heard the sound of coins and looked up at the screen. I could finally see the comments of my viewers.

[ feelingsforever has donated 10,000 won ]
"How long have you b-boyed for?"

"Ah, thank you 'feelingsforever' for the donation. I went to a free dance course for...2 years?" I answered truthfully. I sat down crisscrossed so that I could read the questions better.

[ sunbaespet has donated 10,000 won ]
"Seungmin, are you not tired? You did a handstand for 10 minutes"

"'Sunbaespet,' it was a nice workout. But my arms ache now." I looked down at my arms and tried to flex, but they were trembling a little.

- Omg he's actually so cute

- He's so honest

- Him and the other two nontrainees are so dedicated

I used the edge of my shirt to wipe off the sweat on my face. Then, the jingle sound began flooding my ears.

[ ms_mud has donated 15,000 won ]
"We only know that you like there anything else you like? ㅠㅠ"

"ms_mud, thank you for the donations. Anything else I like? Um-"

[ hshs has donated 10,000 won ]
"can you rap for us?"

[ willywonka has donated 10,000 won ]
"which member do you like best?"

[ Saffire has donated 10,000 won ]
"Do you have any siblings?" 

"I...well, thank you everyone for the donations. I'm an only child. Other than dancing, I like tea, sitting, and watching sunsets. I also like rapping..."

I did a small sample of a rap I remember D listening to in the car.

- Wow, even live he's good

- he said he likes sitting ㅋㅋㅋ

- Answer the other question

- His voice is so husky for his age

[ half dean has donated 15,000 won ]
"Seungmin!! Who are you closest to?"

[ winnie has donated 10,000 won ]
"What's your favorite snack?"

"The person I'm closest to?" I echoed.

Picking a person that "I like best" could cause people to say I'm not good enough to like them or vice versa. Or a controversy can rise. It would be best to avoid the question, but I remembered the clip of Moondae hyung drying my hair. And earlier today, a camera captured him helping me again.

B told me yesterday that Park Moondae's character was bound to fail if he didn't show another side of himself.

"It'll keep viewers interested," she had said, "because it's like they're getting to know him on a personal level. Right now, his position is vague."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 ―𝐝.𝐨.𝐝Where stories live. Discover now