What Did He Say?

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up in a cold sweat. I knew the dream wasn't real, but I couldn't help but feel something bad is going to happen.


I jumped, startled at the voice. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Pony asked. I never understood why Steve didn't like him very much. Pony was always like a little brother to me. "I heard you scream no over and over again."

"Oh, yeah. It was just a nightmare," I say getting up and going into the kitchen.

"I have those too," he says with a frown on his face. "Haven't been able to sleep well since Mom and Dad."

I grabbed the cake out of the fridge and cut up two slices for me and him. "Thanks," he said with a small smile.

"No problem," I said returning the smile. We sat there eating the cake in silence for a bit.

"Why did you and Steve fight?" Pony asked.

"We- just- no reason. It'll be fine," I say trying to give a reassuring smile. Guess it didn't work.

"You can tell me. I won't tell anyone else."

So, I told him. The minor details. Never the major ones. He's still too young for those.

"Oh," he said when I finished. "I guess I would be angry too."

I grabbed his plate and put it in the sink. "Yeah, it was hard to hear."

"You know, Steve was just trying to look out for you. I know me and him don't get along well, but I think you should home in the morning just to talk to him."

"I did talk to him," I kinda snapped. "I'm sorry Pony, I didn't mean it like that," I sighed.

"It's fine. I get it. Darry never tells me when he's having trouble. I don't think he even tells Soda."

"I'll go see him after school tomorrow. I haven't been in about a week now," I giggled.

"Yeah, b/f/n came up to me and started asking questions."

"Oh, like what?" Damn him.

"Just like where you've been and that he wants to talk," he paused holding something back.

"What else?"

"And if you and Soda were a thing," he said, a small smiled creeping on his face.

"Oh come on now," I say picking Pony up and running outside so we don't wake people up.

"No, Cookie put me down!"

"Not until you tell me what you said to him!" I said spinning around.

"Fine! Fine! I told him you were sick and that you don't want to talk to him!" He said.

"What else?!" I giggled jumping up and down.

"Cookie! Please! I'm going to be sick!"

"Tell me!"

"I told him you and Soda were a thing and he needs to leave you alone!"

"Thanks," I say putting him down. He walks over to the fence and throws up over it.


"I told you dammit," Pony growled at me. I just giggled.

"Make sure to brush your teeth now."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he says as we walk back into the house.

"Night, Pony," I say laying back down on the couch.

"Night Cookie."

Steve's POV:

"What are you doing here?" I growled at him.

"Look, I just wanted to see my kids. Is that too hard to ask for?"

"Yeah it is. We're all pissed at you. You cheat on mom, leave, and you know what happens?! She starts drinking herself to death. Now she's gone! She got hit by car, because she was driving home to us! Drunk!" I screamed at him. That damn bastard.

"Look, I just want to see Cookie. Where is she?"

"Don't call her that you piece of shit." I seethed.

"Hey! Now I now haven't been around, but I'm your father and you do NOT speak to me like that!" He yelled, punching me in my jaw. I fell to floor, taken aback.

"You can sleep in the guest room. She isn't here," I grumbled getting up going to my room.

If he touches her, he'll be a sorry man.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and chocolate cake.

"Morning Cookie," Soda says kissing my cheek.

"Morning Pepsi-Cola," I reply as he grins at me.

"Want some breakfast?" Darry asks from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm starving," I say walking in. To my surprise, Dal was in there.

"Hey Dal," I say sitting down.

"Hey Cookie, how are you?"

"I've been better. Thanks for coming to the rescue last night," I say as Darry puts bacon on my plate.

"Anything for you," Dal says with a wink.

"Watch it Dal," Soda replies giving him a warning glare. He comes up to me, and kisses my head. "I gotta go Cookie, I'll see you tonight."

"Okay, bye Pepsi-Cola!" I say as he walks out the door following Darry.

I finish my breakfast as Two walks through the door.

"Oh there he is. I was wondering if he got stuck at home watching Mickey," I say giggling.

"I did," he says grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"You and your Mickey," I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey you better your tone miss," he said to me.

"Okay. Come on, let's go to school."

"Oh she's going to school now. I was wondering if she was gonna mope around the house all day crying."

"Shut your damn trap Two," I snapped at him, walking out the door.

Me, Pony, Johnny, and Two all walked to school together. As we walked through the door, all eyes fell on me. Dammit.

"Hey, it's just rumors. Don't listen to whatever the hell they have to say," Two says grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Thanks Two," I say smiling to him. Me and him were like siblings too. Almost always fighting, but when it boils down, we'd do anything for each other.


Hey guys! How'd you like to chapter? Are you excited for the new Darry book coming out? I'll try to do a book for all the Greasers because the Socs can suck one. I might do a couple other books after everything. I was wondering if I should do a chose your own adventure book for the outsiders after I write one for all of them? Let me know what you guys think, I always love hearing from you! Have a wonderful day!!!

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