Part 9🦋🥀

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The next morning, Jimin found himself sitting on the couch, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone

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The next morning, Jimin found himself sitting on the couch, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. His eyes were fixed on pictures of his husband, memories of their beautiful past flooding his mind. Tears welled up in his eyes, his heart raced as he reminisced about the happiness they once shared. Lost in his thoughts, he was abruptly interrupted by a melodious voice that emanated from the kitchen.

"Jimin, baby, let's have breakfast," the voice called out.

Snapping back to reality, Jimin replied with a sweet tone, "Yes, coming." He rose from the couch and made his way to the dining table.

"Jin hyung, where are you?" he inquired, glancing towards the kitchen.

"I'm right here," Jin's voice responded, accompanied by a friendly wave. Jimin could only see Jin's hand above the counter, as he had momentarily gone to retrieve a bottle of sauce.

Once Jin returned to the dining table with the sauce, they both sat down to eat. However, Jimin seemed lost in thought, absentmindedly moving his spoon around his plate. Jin, noticing Jimin's distraction, decided to intervene.

"Jimin, what's on your mind? You're not really eating; is something bothering you?" Jin inquired with concern.

Jimin's gaze lifted from his plate as Jin's words reached his ears. He shared his concerns about his married life, the difficulties he had faced, and the doubts that had arisen. He poured out his feelings, discussing the challenges and the doubts he had about trusting his husband.

"Now you tell me, Jin Hyung, what should I do? Should I trust him after everything? My heart tells me to, but the evidence I've seen with my own eyes can't be ignored. I'm torn, unable to make sense of it all. Please, help me," Jimin implored.

Jin listened attentively and then offered his perspective. "Jimin, I understand how hurtful what you saw must have been. But remember, appearances can be deceiving. You should consider giving Jungkook a chance to explain himself. It's possible that what you witnessed isn't the whole truth."

Jimin, grappling with his emotions, responded, "I do want to give him a chance, but it feels like I'd be intruding into his life. After all, he already had a girlfriend."

Jin reassured him, "Jimin, don't let that hold you back. Trust your feelings and give Jungkook a chance to explain. If you're falling in love with him, it's worth exploring. You're not interfering; you're seeking the truth and understanding."

Relieved by Jin's advice, Jimin said, "Alright, hyung. If you think it's the right thing, I'll give him that chance. I don't want him to leave, especially if my feelings are growing stronger. I'll let him explain."

Jin smiled warmly, saying, "That's the spirit, Jimin. Don't overthink it. Finish your breakfast, then go home and have that conversation with your husband."

"Thank you, dear hyung. Your support means so much to me. I love you," Jimin expressed with a teary smile.

Jin chuckled, "You know I'll always be here for you, Jiminah. Take care and go sort things out."

With a heartfelt exchange, Jimin found comfort in Jin's advice as he navigated the complex emotions and decisions in his relationship.


On a tranquil Sunday morning, the soft glow of sunlight filtered into the living room where Jungkook sat, absorbed in the news playing on the television. Suddenly, the doorbell resonated through the air, pulling him out of his focus. With curiosity piqued, he swiftly made his way to the door and swung it open, revealing a sight that left him momentarily stunned. An involuntary smile stretched across his face as he recognized the person standing before him - it was Jimin, his husband.

Without wasting a moment, Jungkook's arms enveloped Jimin in a tight, heartfelt hug. Their separation had felt like an eternity, and the rush of emotions that surged within Jungkook was palpable. Welcoming Jimin inside, they settled onto the couch, a sense of comfort settling in the air.

With a tender, soft tone, Jungkook uttered Jimin's name, "Jimin."

Jimin looked up, meeting Jungkook's gaze with an affectionate smile.

"Jimin, I've missed you so much... Where have you been all this time?" Jungkook's voice held a mix of longing and relief.

Jimin's eyes sparkled as he replied, "I was staying at my cousin's place. It's been quite a week."

"Alright, go ahead and freshen up. I'll prepare breakfast for you," Jungkook suggested, his concern and care evident.

After a refreshing interval, Jimin emerged from his room, finding Jungkook setting out a spread of food on the dining table. They both settled into their seats, the quiet around them not the least bit awkward; rather, it was a serene and contented silence. The atmosphere was charged with the palpable happiness of their reunion, a stark contrast to the emptiness they had both felt during the week apart.

As they indulged in their breakfast, Jimin savoured each bite, and Jungkook's eyes rarely left him, a mixture of love and adoration painted across his features. The silence spoke volumes, conveying their deep-rooted connection and the joy of being together again. Memories of shared moments flooded their minds, and the pang of separation faded into the background.

After they had finished their meal, Jimin took the initiative to handle the dishes, a gesture that Jungkook appreciated. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on Jimin as he moved around the kitchen, his heart swelled with affection.

However, the tranquillity of the moment was abruptly shattered by an insistent knocking on the door. Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he went to answer it. The door revealed not only Rose but also a man who seemed to be her father. Jimin emerged from the kitchen, his eyes widening as he saw the unexpected visitors.

Jimin's heart raced as he grappled with a wave of surprise and unease. The sight of Rose's presence was unexpected, casting a shadow over the peaceful morning he had been sharing with Jungkook. His mind raced with questions, wondering why she was here again and what her intentions could possibly be. The delicate equilibrium between Jimin and Jungkook now seemed precariously poised, as they faced an unexpected interruption that threatened to unearth the past tensions they had been trying to leave behind.




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