part 1 🦋🥀

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New dawn comes and two boys are sleeping peacefully on the bed in the morning the sun is bright and the sunlight is warm the birds keep chirping and the breeze is cool the day dawned crisp and clear the sunlight perused through the window bringing new hope and aspirations...

The sunlight hit on the beautiful face and disturbed his beautiful sleep the boy woke up and looked around his side where another beautiful boy is sleeping next to him.

He sees his husband sleeping beside him and he is very happy to see and have his husband next to him he wants that thing every morning in his life.

He tries to touch his husband's face with his beautiful soft hands but suddenly his husband shakes and turns aside.
He panicked and take his hand back immediately.

The boy:- Thank god I got saved it's good he didn't wake up or see me otherwise what will he think of me? Then he relieved a sigh... And then he starts looking at him with love and admiring his features his big doe eyes button nose pulp and pinkish lips his Sharp jaw.

He is just admiring him so that he forgot how long he is looking at that boy who is sleeping like a bunny...

Then he realize the time he have to prepare breakfast so he got up from the bed and went to the washroom to do his morning routine after he was done with this he left for the kitchen to make something to eat...

He is making breakfast unaware that someone is watching him lovingly.
Then the person came near to him and Stand so close to him that he was startled because of the sudden appearance of his husband that too is standing so close to him. little did he know that he is liking the closeness.

the boy is thinking "But what happen to Jungkook all of a sudden does he need something why he is looking at me like that so he thought to ask the other but he just keeps staring.

jungkook is just staring at his husband without blinking his eyes then Jimin waves his hand in front of his face then he comes back to his sense and feels embarrassed that he was staring at his husband shamelessly.

He then turns back to go to the dining table but Jimin calls him making him stop at the spot.

Then Jimin asked to him
Jm:- abb do you need something.
Then Jungkook turn back and said

Jk:- "Umm no nothing I just came here to ask.. breakfast is ready or not because I have an important meeting so I have to go early.."

Jm:- Oh yeah breakfast is ready you go sit there I'll serve you.

Then Jungkook and Jimin both had their breakfast Jungkook went to his office and Jimin goes to do his house chores.

Then Jungkook and Jimin both had their breakfast Jungkook went to his office and Jimin goes to do his house chores

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••• Flashback ••••

So guy Jungkook and Jimin are two months married couple...
Everything goes well between them... both fall in love with each other...But they hesitate to tell each other... Jungkook thinks Jimin doesn't love him... but the truth is something else...

On the other hand

Jimin also thinks that Jungkook doesn't love him… so he was afraid to confess to him… He thinks Jungkook still loves his girlfriend…
yes, jungkook used to have a girlfriend but now things have changed he doesn't love his girlfriend anymore now he thinks that he is falling for his husband he wants to break up with his girlfriend but she is out of town so he is waiting for her to clear all the things he will tell her that he loves his husband and want breakup with her coz he is now married and he wants to give the chance to his marriage.

They both are living together and they even share a bedroom but the thing is they never touched each other even tho they sleep together but always make a distance between them...

When they both get married jungkook already told about his relationship with his girlfriend on the first night because he doesn't want to hide anything from his husband he wants to be loyal to him they both are falling for each other unknowingly both forgot that jk has gf or jimin knows anything about this.. they live like they are in so much love and a very beautiful married couple they feel so comfortable around each other...

They used to go shopping together they do everything which make them happy but the thing is they still not confess their feelings and Jimin thinks that jk loves him gf this thought always made him sad he always wanted to be loved by his husband but unfortunately, he will never get his husband's love

(author:- no jimin it's not true)
But jungkook always treated him very well he always makes him happy but the situation is different.

Nonetheless, they live together for the sake of their family and they also don't want to be apart they also want to live together. 

When Jimin first saw Jungkook he was very happy that his soon-to-be husband is so much handsome perfect and mature he also heard so many good things about Jungkook after all he is the CEO of the biggest company in the whole South Korea and the very kind-hearted person..  and about jungkook when he first saw Jimin he also got happy that his husband is so beautiful just like an angel he also heard that jimin is very sweet and kind-hearted he hasn't been in any kind of relationship that's the reason jungkook told everything about his relationship to jimin coz he doesn't want to start their married life with hiding his relationship so he told everything.

he doesn't want to hurt Jimin's feelings because he has the right to know everything about him...

••• Flashback Ended •••

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•• Flashback Ended •••


Hey readers I'll try to upload the next part soon. I hope you enjoyed this part 😊
If there were any grammatical mistakes let me know I will try to correct the mistakes.
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