Skeeter Part 2 NSFW

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Smoking, domination, fingering, size differences, choking

Usually you were known to be adventurous but on the "life throws waves at you but you are a good surfer" side of things. That being said, riding on the back of a Drider deep into the swamp was pushing it a bit far. Your hand clutched your smoke kit as your other arm was wrapped around his waist for stability.
"Damn, didn't know there were any houses out here..."
"Darling, house?" He looked under his armpit at you.
You looked up at him and closed your eyes. "Right, giant, can't fit in a house."
He chuckled and ruffled your hair as he climbed into a wooded hill in the swamp.
You peaked around his torso to see a mass of webs tangling around and between several trees.
"I thought bold jumpers didn't make nests."
"The spiders don't, but they could, I could and needed a place to sleep safely. The oak branches stop people from seeing me overhead." He explained, stopping and helping you slide off. You looked around, seeing various hides tied taught, a few machetes and tools, and generally a bunch of stuff that looked like he stole it from rednecks in the surrounding area.
"So... you live out here?" You asked as he snorted, watching you slowly walk closer.
"Yeah, I do. It's not bad save the occasional snake. There is the Naga and a shifter who live down in the south end of this swamp, you may know the latter, Dorian?"
"The gas station guy? Huh... shifter?"
"Yeah, come on, you used to try and convince everyone that the supernatural was real as a kid."
"Still a little creepy you watched that..." you mused as you admired the silken threads in the setting sun, how the light danced off them.
"To be fair, I was just a kid trying to have some semblance of a family."
"You want to smoke and talk about it? I find it makes it easier to talk about the hard stuff?" You asked, turning to look up at him as he approached. His glum look slowly shifted to a bemused smirk as he gestured to a hole in the thick webs.
"After you." He said almost sweetly and you smirked.
"If I don't come out, I will haunt you."
"Don't worry, if you don't come out, it will be your own choice." He teased as you snorted, carefully walking through the first hole, then the second, and the third...
By the time you made it into the center, you understood how no bugs were there. With the way the holes were set up, while there was a tunnel that you could easily traverse in, running out would be a difficult task, and a bug would just fly straight through maybe one hole before hitting a wall accidentally. A good trap and a good pest deterrent. You mused as you hears him come in behind you, the hairs on his legs rustling as he crouched behind you, his hands rubbing down your arms.
"So, I have a place to sit, but it is my nest, you okay with that?" He asked as you gased up at his dark eyes, nodding as you blushed.
His eyebrow quirked up.
"Is it hot again?" He teased and you elbowed him, before he gently nudged you to a large pile furs and soft hides suspended on a shelf of webs. Skeeter climbed in first, pulling you in after, making you gasp at the ease at which he could pick you up. As he tossed you in the pile, you chuckled, trying to right yourself. He laid on his stomach towards you, groaning as his spine popped as he laid on his crossed arms, gazing up at you. You looked down at him before remembering why you came here and opening your bag and pulling out the tools and herb.
He watched curiously as you showed him the ground herb, him sniffing.
"Pungent... is that mugwort?"
"Yeah, I like mixing it in, is that a problem?"
"Nah, actually might be fun." He smirked. You smiled as you packed the bowl, his dark eyes following your movements curiously.
You held up the pipe.
"Aight, so see this hole, you put your thumb here, you light the herb, and then you take a small, gentle, inhale. Okay? I don't need you getting killed first hit."
"I could die?" He straightened.
"No, figuratively."
"Ah." He flopped back down, shaking the shelf a bit. You fished in your pocket for the lighter. You handed him the bowl as you rolled on your side, finally getting it. You looked back and snorted when you saw where his eyes were staring.
"You know, I am more than my ass."
"Oh, so you can ogle at me and release all those pheromones, but I can't enjoy the view?"
"In my defense, I was not aware pheromones were something I could control, nor that they would effect you." You rolled back on your back. "Didn't know what you even were before this morning." You pointed out as you handed him the pipe.
He chuckled and took the lighter, lighting the bowl and taking a deep inhale, making you sit up in concern, reaching out to stop him from taking to big a hit. He placed his hand on your stomach, stopping you as he lifted his head up and held the breath for a second, before exhaling and coughing.
"You good?" You asked, taking the items from him as he laid his head in your lap as his coughing fit spiked. You snorted and took your own hit, stroking his back as the coughing subsided. He looked up at you as you exhaled, his eyes seeming darker than usual. You smiled at him.
"So, what's up with your family?" You asked and he sighed, relaxing as your hand rubs down his spine, his heavy torso pinning your legs down as he repositioned so that you two could better pass the pipe and talk.
"Well, when I was young, mom and dad kinda got into an accident. A tree fell, on them. My siblings kinda scattered, never saw them again. So I would, oh, thank you." He paused and took the pipe, taking a hit. "So, I would watch you and your family, kinda imagine my own family in those scenarios, or being part of your family, but that one didn't feel as right."
You paused as you looked down at him, taking the pipe and taking your own hit, thinking about what was being relayed to you.
"You were always lonely?" You asked, your fingers combing through his hair. He looked back at you, a glittering green grin dimpling his face in the dim light.
"Wouldn't you be?" He asked in a hushed voice, your heart wrenching slightly.
You leaned down, startling him as your lips took his. He rolled to the side to free your thighs, his hands pulling you closer to him as he pulled you in for a proper kiss. Despite his size, and the thick cords of muscle hidden beneath his skin, he was gentle, pulling your bottom lip into his mouth and sucking it with fervor. Your hands rubbed up his throat to the back of his neck, tangling your fingers in the silky locks as he started to kiss down your throat. You gasped and whimpered as his sharp teeth grazed against your pulse.
"Mmm, you always smell so intoxicating, whether your scared or desperate..." He muttered into the hollows of your collarbones as his tongue lapped at the skin.
You yanked him up and sank into his lips, your tongue diving deep into him as you moaned, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you tight to him.
"Fuck..." He muttered as the two of you separated, panting. His hands glided up under your shirt, wrapping around the cups of your bra as he smiled. His eyes glanced up to yours and you smiled as he slid the shirt off you. His breath against your skin made you shiver, his tender kisses down your sternum closing your eyes.
He kissed the tops of your breasts, his hand pulling at your pants down your hips as his hand slid underneath you to pull you up closer as he kissed down your ribs and stomach. You let out a small whine and he chuckled, glancing up at you with his wicked emerald smile.
"You like that, baby?" He asked as his hand slid under your panties, gripping your ass tightly and pulling a soft cry from your lips, his laughter pulling a blush to your cheeks.
He kissed up your body again, his fingers delving in-between your legs as his mouth met yours, silencing the cries of pleasure his slowly circling index finger pulled from your throat before they even had a chance. You wrapped your legs around his hips and whimpered as his finger slid lower, teasing your entrance slowly.
"Mmm, so wet already... and to think you were scared to come to my nest" He whispered quietly in your ear, jerking your hips up and sinking his finger deep into you as he kissed your neck.
You moaned loudly as your back arched, your hands gripping his bicep and shoulder as he started to thrust his finger faster, the fervor of your voice heightening as he added a second.
"Mmm, keep singing for me, little songbird, I love the sound." He muttered, kissing your neck as his free hand slid under your bra, squeezing and massaging your breast slowly while his fingers sped up.
He pulled back as his fingers pulled out suddenly, making you whimper, until he pulled your bra out and wrapped his lips around your nipple.
His hands splayed across your ribs, pulling you closer as he groaned.
"God, so soft..." He mused as he moved to the otherside, glancing up at your flushed face as he swirled his tongue around the bud devilishly slow.
You whined in frustration, trying to kick your legs out of your pants before his hand gripped your thigh, a soft growl pulling from his lips as he leaned up to whisper in your ear.
"Don't make me tie you up, pet. Be a good girl and hold still for me." He breathed the last bit as his hand slid down your stomach again, his nails gently tracing the soft flesh of your inner thighs as he slid his hand back in the gap between the half removed pants and your legs.
You moaned as he gently pressed your clit, your hands falling to lay beside your head as you left yourself to his mercy. He stared down at you as he swirled his finger, slowly pressing it deep into you again. You bit your lip, struggling not to squirm or pull from his grasp.
His free hand slid up, gripping your breast as he added a second finger, chuckling as you cried out into your hand.
"I didn't tell you to be quiet, did I, Pet?" He teased, kissing you deeply as a third finger pressed into you, pulling a cry the practically lit his eyes up like starlight.
"Pl-please, Skeeter-" you panted before crying out louder as he hooked his fingers up.
He chuckled as he kissed your neck.
"Mmm, please what?" He teased, slowly pulling his fingers out.
You gulped down air as your hips followed his hand briefly.
"Please, fuck me." You breathed, making him lean close and kiss you deeply as his hand gripped the fabric binding your legs and-
"Nooo" you whined as he picked you up to pull you to the edge of the nest.
"Shhh, you have more." He chastised, swatting at your thighs after flipping you over. His body left the shelf for a second and when you tried to push yourself up, you felt his hand sternly push you back down on the small of your back as he tsked. You whined and spread your legs for him, slightly trembling as you felt his hand slide down, resting on your ass and pulling it to the side to give him a better view. You squirmed slightly and he let go, his hand coming back down sharply on your ass.
"Didn't I say to hold still?" He muttered darkly as he spread both your thighs and leaned in, his tongue slowly diving in to taste you. You moaned lowly as your fingers gripped the webs of the shelf, and when he pulled back, you were a whimpering mess.
"Delicious..." He breathed as you heard and felt him move, you glanced up and saw his human torso gripping the walls of his home while four of his legs caged you in. You swallowed as you felt something thick and blunt press against your lower lips and you spread your legs, looking up at him as he gazed down at you. You saw that spark of mischief in his eyes as he pressed into you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. You could feel every bump and ridge as he slowly thrust, almost careful not to break you. You lifted your ass higher and reached back, spreading your cheeks so he could thrust deeper, and the low, almost purring noise that came from deep in his chest felt like a praise for the half second before he thrust deep into you.
You whimpered as with each deep thrust he pulled your hips up a little, and each time he pulled away, your legs trembled like jello. You looked up and saw his arms tensed tight as his eyes closed in a focused yet absent facial expression. Sweat dripped off his skin, giving it the sheen of graphite, and as you watched his abdomen and the top of her thorax move in time, you felt oddly hypnotized. Suddenly his body curled down, thrusting himself harder into your cervix, and his hand wrapped around you throat, silencing the cry of pleasure squealing forth. He growled lowly as he started to thrust with a new viciousness that left your toes curling and your pussy practically pooling under you.
"You like that baby? You like taking my cock?" Her muttered lowly, his dark eyes glittering in the low light sneaking through the thiner layers of webs. His hand loosened enough for you to catch your breath and you nodded.
"Yes, Oh, god... Yes!" You moaned out as he sped up, that wicked smiled gracing his lips. You cried out and whimpered when he slowed down just before you could cum. He chuckled and you felt his fingers tangle in your hair.
"Ass up, Darlin, I am not nearly done with you yet."

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