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LITA Special Novel

Chapter 0
At night when people are sleeping. When few cars are traveling on the road. When the hustle turned to silence.
Colorful sled trucks are quietly rolling down the streets of the city, passing the jewel lit suspension bridge that looks gorgeous at night. Passing the road that was known for being one of the top traffic jams in the country, then running along the construction workers holding red lights and signs that indicate that the road is being built, into a wide open road that is... empty.
As if someone has occupied this place...
Soon after, a large dark motorcycle followed and parked in front of the slide car.
"Hello, Khun Phayu."
As soon as the owner of the car stepped down to stand on both legs, many men in mechanic clothes turned to raise their hands in greeting, greeting the owner with a smile.
"How are things?" A low voice came from the brightly colored lips.
"Everything is fine. Khun Phayu, will you check it first?" The person said that he took a step toward the back.
The car slid to a stop before he knocked lightly on the back of the car.
Suddenly, the rear door slowly slid open to reveal a large motorcycle worth millions parked inside.
The picture made Phayu grin widely, his eyes sparkled, his big hands raised up hooks and the mechanic's confidante threw the mechanic's

clothes embroidered with lightning and storm patterns in the shape of a speeding car, along with the letters that arranged the word "Hurricane.".
Then his deep voice spoke up.
"Get ready, the work is about to begin."
At the end of the order, all technicians dispersed to do their assigned work. A great event... of a great one, how could he miss it?
2:15 AM.
Within half an hour, the empty streets had turned into another world. Even though the entrance was packed with construction workers it made it look like this road was closed because it was being built or renovated. But after passing through the first gate, at the second gate you will be met by several bodyguards in pitch black clothes with tablets in their hands with information on who was invited at the time.
If you don't have an invitation card, don't expect to be allowed into this event.
And now, the whole event is filled with people who love speed, and millionaire kids who are willing to spend money to have fun.
This event that people bet on everything. Whether it's money, fame, lovers, or even prestige.
An illegal event that should have nothing to do with 2 Second Year Architectural students who were walking into the event eating ice cream with expressions like... they came to a temple fair.
"Hey, Phii? Hi, long time no see."
"Oh Rain, I heard that you have an exam." "Who did you hear that from?"

"Who will it be? It's Khun Phayu."
"Ah, yes Phii, I just finished submitting my work, I am on school break." The light haired boy named Rain said in a cheerful tone. He greeted the workman in a friendly manner, causing a friend who had come with him to shake his head.
From a Rain, who would put on dog sneakers and run like the wind from the event workers, became a Rain was close to a worker who could hug necks and smile like long time buddies.
Sky thought as he glanced at his best friend.
That big eyed guy kept looking left and right over there, why wouldn't Sky know what he was thinking?
"You're not going to find Phii Phayu? Phii Phayu is with the technician team maybe."
He made a face like he wanted to run to find his husband.
The big eyes turned to the question before Rain shook his head.
"I won't leave you behind in the event, where are you going, I'm with you."
Ever since Sky came to the illegal racing event and got taken away by his ex boyfriend, Rain went insane, thinking he was the cause of the whole mess. So when Sky decided to come to this event again, the little boy made his determination... Wherever Kai goes Rain goes with him.
If you are there then I have to be there! Without asking a friend if he wants it or not. "I'm waiting for Phii Pai here."
"Then I'll wait for you." Rain said as he grinned, causing the audience to sigh loudly.

"And where is Phii Pai?"
By the way, a cute face with big eyes and red lips turned left and right, slipping the last ice cream into his mouth.
"Today he has a long meeting, just now he LINE'd saying he's coming." Sky replied while eating ice cream with a friend before entering the event.
"So, what do you want to do? Go and find Phii Phayu first or get a seat."
Sky shrugged as if to put your mind at ease because he already knew Rain's answer.
"Oh, but I'd better go see Phii Phayu first. Come you that way."
He already knew that people like Rain never listened to anyone, if he wanted to do anything, he would go and do it.
But before Rain could dash toward the team of mechanics under the huge tent, his big round eyes caught sight of something.
"Phii Kang! Hi Phii."
Seriously, will you walk to see Phii Phayu today?
Sky could only ask himself in his mind, as he watched his best friend who could take two steps suddenly change direction and run late at night to the big, savage bodyguard who had chased him the year before.
He still remembered the fear of running away from the worker but as if Rain had upgraded a new skill, he wasn't afraid of the worker's fierce face and fierce eyes, so he ran toward him. He greeted as if he had known him for three lifetimes. Not enough, he also took several candies from his pocket and handed them over to the stern faced Phii Kang.
Come to think of it, a guy who's almost a hundred and ninety tall and muscled, the kind that he thought weighed more than a hundred kilograms, the kind of muscularity that could flat smash someone's head, Rain was looking

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