The Past

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Y/n POV:
I opened my eyes. My eyes wandered about my surroundings. Unfortunately all I could see was a blank white wall. I tried to move my body but nothing was budging except for my right hand.

My right hand however had wires attached to it and needles poked into it. Was I at a hospital?

"Holy! She's awake!" I hear someone shout, but the voice too fainted for me to decipher who it could be.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" A voice rang beside me. I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw my uncle.

"What happened?" I croaked. My voice too parched and dry to even allow me to talk properly.

My uncle sighed and gave me a reassuring smile, "Yesterday, after you fell down trying to save Haerin. You blacked out moments after. Haerin said your head was bleeding badly," Memories of yesterday began to come back to me.

And now I was utterly confused. My memories were all jumbled out with parts of it significantly more memorable.

Why the hell did I decide to talk about my bunny.

"Wait- So did I cry and did Minji come?" My uncle sent me a confused look.

He patted my hand gently, "Y/n the girls didn't even go to the forest. I wouldn't allow that. They contacted me and they told the staff. Only then did we go and find you guys with the help of the police and some doctors,"

"I suspect that you were just hallucinating. After all, you did injure your head badly. But if you really want to know the truth, maybe Haerin can help. She's the only one that would know if you talked about your past," Doctor Andrew told me.

My eyebrows were now creased and I massaged my temples trying to get the frustration off me.

"But doctor, didn't I sort of "get rid" of my trauma already. Even if it's a hallucination, why is it still coming back?" Doctor Andrew blinked a few times at me, as if he was really amused from my question.

"Okay let me explain this. You have two types of injuries. Physical. You for example cut yourself but with the aid of some cream and plasters you recover. And you recover fully," He nodded his head slowly at me to see if I was catching his point.

He continued after I also nodded my head, "But for mental, you can't exactly "get rid" of these injuries. These are memories that stay with you, unless you lose those memories of course. As your phychatrist, I help you to manage those bad memories and negative feelings. But essentially, you can't dispose these. They may come back. They may get triggered again. We can only suppress them with the right methods,"

"I still don't get it," Doctor Andrew chuckled as I told him blantly.

"Okay say, one day I get angry at you and start lashing out at you. In the midst of it, I start mentioning your past and all my comments about it is nasty,"

"That's horrible. I would feel really angry,"

"That's how you feel emotionally. You may forgive me in the end but the memories of me betraying you might still stay. You might then be wary of sharing things with me. So trauma from a certain thing cannot be erased. Your brain remembers it. Your body remembers it. You, y/n remembers it. It's just how you cope with it," Doctor Andrew looked at my confused face and decided to stop talking.

"Okay...thanks doc. I will process all these in my mind," I gave him a thumbs up and smiled awkwardly.

What the heck did he just tell me. This is worse than when I was in physics class and the teacher kept babbling on about sound waves.

"Oh geez, look at the time. I would love to stay but my lovely daughter is meeting me for lunch. Thanks for calling me up though, it's good that you aren't hiding these emotions and feelings," He looked towards his watch and began to pack up his bag.

"No worries. I still can't believe you have a daughter. You always reminded me of a single old man," He shot daggers at me with his eyes as I said my last few words.

"Haha so absolutely funny. Anyways you should meet her one day. My Dani is such a ball of sunshine," He left the room.

Doctor Andrew is one of the very few people that I trust. He has been with me from my childhood till now. He essentially kind of played the role of my father. Only he would care for me when I needed someone to talk to.

"Look at who's lying down on a bed and can't move,"There was a knock on the door.

"Ha-Ha so amusing. Kim Minji what brings you here?" She lifted up her left arm which had bags of food. She knew how to cheer someone alright.

"What did the doc say? I saw him walk out," Minji asked as she laid the food out on a table.

She fed me some food and I opened my mouth to bite the food. "He and I was just talking about stuffs," My voice a little muffled, chewing the food.

"Stuffs huh, also y/n, I kind of want to go back to my old school. After you recover, would you like to follow me back?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh sure, why? Do you want some protection?" She chuckled. But I could tell that there was something off about her. She was now playing with her fingers nervously.

"I-I kind of have to tell you something. It's past," She rubbed the back of her neck, awaiting my answer.

I smiled, "Alright," She smiled back and fed me more food.

A/N: HI YALL I can't believe we hit 1k alr?? I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. Bro this story is going so slow. My exams are coming up so I'm getting real busy T-T Will try to update as much as I can though :D

🤕 we are finally getting a bit into some romance

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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