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Haerin and I reached my house and I opened the door. She looked around at the empty house.

"Oh yeah...I haven't moved my stuff in yet. At least there's a sofa! You can seat here first while I go get a first aid kit," Haerin nodded her head and I went into my room.

When I finally found the little red box, I walked back out to the living room only to see Haerin holding up a photo frame of mine.

"Your friend?" My eyes paused at the photo frame she was holding.

Without thinking, I snatched it from her hands, injuring her fingers in the process.

I only realised what I did after Haerin looked at me with worry. "S-shit, I'm so sorry," I quickly sat down next to her to check on her finger.

"Is she someone important?" She tried her luck. I hummed in agreement as I plastered her finger up and checked her hands and legs to see if she had any injuries from the skateboard park.

Haerin stared at me, making me feel a little uneasy and queasy. Her glares and stares always seemed to have an effect on me.

"I...She is, someone I used to love a lot," I opened up.

Why did you just say that Y/N. Oh my gosh.

I don't know what was up with me. But I felt that I needed to tell Haerin everything.

Haerin gave me a little smile, "You don't have to tell me more you know. We just met like a day ago," Her eyes turned into a little curve as she smiled.

My heart melted as I saw that. And I knew it shouldn't have. Everything that I was feeling towards her was only because of his similar she was to her.

"Say Haerin, isn't it quite late already. Ready to head back?" I made an excuse to chase her away. She pouted but still agreed to go home.
'Ding Dong' I pressed the doorbell of their dorm. I heard footsteps before the door opened.

"Oh hey manger Y/n, you guys finished filming?" Danielle gasped as she saw Haerin with some plasters.

She pulled Haerin by the hand to the living room where most of the members were gathered at, "Sweetie, are you hurt? What happened?" I awkardly followed them and made my way into the house.

Minji worriedly rushed to Haerin, "Woah bro, what happened? Manager Y/n what happened?" she asked.

Sometimes I envy these girls for having each other, they care for each other so much. Minji especially. She is like the mom of the group.

I placed my hand on Haerin's head, "Not to worry, she just fell at the park. I already treated her wounds at my house," They all heaved a sigh of relief as I reassured them.

"Now, I think I should leave and leave you guys alone yeah?" I suggested but Hyein thought otherwise.

"C'mon stay with us for the night! We need some time to bond with our new manager," Nervously, I bit my lip.

Seeing that I didn't reply, Hanni also tried to persuade me to stay. In the end, they all ended up convincing me to have a 'girls night' with them and I had no choice but to agree.

And of course, even though I planted myself to sleep in the living room. The girls dragged me to Minji's room since she had no roomate.

When all the other girls left to sleep, Minji turned to me and lifted my left arm.

"Is your wound okay?" I didn't realise that she noticed it already.

I checked my dried-up wound and nodded my head, "It's fine, it wasn't that much of an impact. I'm just thankful Haerin's alright," Minji sighed as she took out some oilment from her drawer.

I winced and bit my lip as she used a cotton bud to dab on my wound.

"Okay my ass, you should take care of yourself,"

"I'm the manager. I should be taking care of you guys," I chuckled. I always had been the one taking care of others.

Minji slapped my leg and I glared back at her.

"We just met two days ago and you are treating me as if we have been friends for a year or two," I said as Minji looked up towards me.

She showed me a little smile, "What if we were?" I looked at her, confused.

"Say what?"

"I mean even if we were, would it affect anything?"



Our conversation went on like that, with both of us rebutting one another. And soon, the conversation broke out into a series of laughter.

I didn't know why but Minji reminded me of my old school days. Like really old ones. When I was still a little kid and problems didn't flood my life.

I was awoken from my thoughts by Minji. She waved her hands in front of me, "Hello? Earth to Manager Y/n?"

"Yes I'm here. And you can call me Y/n honestly. I don't think I'm any older than you," Minji's mouth went agape.

She widened her eyes at me, "No way...what if you're younger than me? I'm 19," I heaved a sigh of relief.

"20, just a year older than you," Minji too followed me.

The rest of the night, nothing much happened. Except the fact that she didn't have a spare blanket and it was really cold so I ended up moving to her bed to share her blanket.

She and I talked for the rest of the night and shared our different aspects of life.

"Hey Minji? You're probably asleep. But I'm really grateful your here. It's been a while since I could feel this...warm," I muttered as I looked at her. She looked really pretty even while asleep.

A/N: New Chapter :D Sorry I couldn't update for a while. The story will get interesting soon 😆

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