Chapter Four: Final Decision

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*Angel's p.o.v.*

I saw Raven looking at Avery walking to his son's hospital room. He made eye contact with me before coming towards me.

"Still giving you a hard time." I pointed out.

Raven chuckled and sighed deeply.

"Of course he is and he is not going to stop." He pointed out.

"Is he still very upset at Lucian?" I asked. He just gave me a look like did I really need to ask that. That told me my answer. I just chuckled and looked at him. Suddenly a flash popped up in my mind that looked like from Avery's p.o.v.

*Avery's p.o.v.*

-Flashback to 18 year old me-

I was at my locker getting my things for my next few classes. I was so mad at every single one of them. Once again, I was stood up and I was currently giving them the silent treatment. I felt someone next to me and I looked over. I saw Raven.

"Avery..." he called my name. I ignored him and walked towards my class. I gasped when I was grabbed by my arm roughly. I tried to get out of the grip but it was too hard. I knew who's grip it was. It was Lucian's older brother aka I call him his twin because they literally have the same face, Xandir.

"Raven, I got it." He said. I immediately blushed and I looked down at my feet. I am not going with him. Absolutely not. Xandir is very perceptive and he knows a lot. He tries to act like he is not aware but is very much aware. Lucian has to be explicit told things for him to understand.

"You're mad at my little brother again. You know he is a dumbass."

"Hey! I heard that!" Lucian appeared with Angel holding his hand. Xandir kissed Angel and grabbed his ass which made Angel squirm.

"I'm clapping those later." Angel slapped Xandir silly and he chuckled.

"What's up with you? You have been acting weird these past few days." Lucian said looking at me.

"Figure it out." I turned to walk off but saw Raven blocking me. He knew I was going to escape. I knew there was no escaping so I just sat there quiet. I was so flustered that they would ambush me like this.

"Avery, you have not been talking to us these past few days especially to me." Lucian stated.

"So you finally noticed huh?" I mumbled under my breath.

"So you thought I was not going to notice the way you have been avoiding us..." Lucian said.

"You don't seem to notice anyone other than Angel." I stated. I immediately blushed and took off on them when I saw an opening between them.

"Fuck." I said to myself. Revealed too much. I was walking to my class when my arm was grabbed again. I tried getting out of the grip but couldn't. I squealed when I was shoved into the empty classroom.

"Hey! I'm going to be late for class!" I shouted.

I froze when I saw Lucian was the one who dragged in here alone. Just him and I . He was blocking the door preventing me from leaving. He just stood there quietly and I just looked at my feet.


"Don't- I know what you are about to say. I rushed past him quickly because I did not want to hear another rejection from him. The first time was when we were little. It was so long ago, but it didn't mean that it didn't play in my mind everyday since then. I was walking quickly and I gasped when I felt my arm being pulled.

"I have to get to class." I squealed loudly when I was lifted up in the air.

"Put me down right this instant!" I shouted. I didn't know who it was that picked me up. I just know by the grip it was either Lucian or Xandir. Whoever it was took off running fast and I screamed like a maniac. When we got outside, I screamed even louder when I realized I was in the air. I peeked up and saw Lucian was flying in the air. He had huge black wings that were flapping in the air.

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