Chapter Three: Long Night

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*Luca's p.o.v*

- The next morning-

I heard a loud knock on the door before I saw my door open. I looked over and saw Raven walking into my room.

"Good morning. It's time to get to school." He said opening up my black blinds. I winced and glared at him. I really didn't need three babysitters at school watching my every move. My older brother along with his husband was the icing on the cake for me. I understand dad is worried about what is about to happen this year with me becoming king of the fallen angels and all but I want to have a normal life, fall in love with a nice boy or girl, and be a great king. I didn't sign up to be followed around 24/7. I want to be able to live freely, but it is hard when you have two powerful fathers and people are jealous. I mean I can see why they want people to follow me, but it does get annoying. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my older brother came barging in my room.

"Good morning sunshine. I will be driving you to school today." He said. I perked up and I smirked. I do love my family all to death. My brother just returned back home after so long, and I missed him like crazy, so this was perfect for us. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed. I sprayed on some cologne. When I looked myself in the mirror, I nodded to myself in approvement before walking downstairs. I froze and ran over to my dad when I saw him.

"Hey son! Missed you too!" He chuckled. I have not seen my dad in person since I was little. I would talk to him in my dreams but it felt so good to have him back. He was banished, imprisoned, and stripped of his title as king when I was little. I don't know the full details but I do know it was because my dad said he fell in love with someone that he shouldn't have because it was against all angel code.

"Glad to have you back old man." My older brother appeared. He gave dad a hug and I smiled. The whole family was back again, and it felt so good. I sat down with everyone and ate breakfast. Dad smirked and looked at me.

"Have you made any friends?" He asked.

"Yes, I love it there." I chuckled.

"Any love interests...or anyone annoying you" He smirked.

"No love interests yet, but annoying, yes. This is this one kid that hates me already." I chuckled.

"Do I need to have a word with this kid?" Papa snapped.

"No, it is actually quite amusing. I'm twice his size, and he looks like a little kitten." I stated.

"and he is his son..." Raven stated. Both of my dads froze up and looked at Raven. Dad scratched the back of his head and Papa looked at dad before slapping him on the back of his head. Yep, back to normal. Papa shook his head and got ready for work. My older brother just nodded his head and we walked out.

We got inside the car and made our way to school. I saw the teacher walking into the school building. You could tell that he barely got any sleep. He glared at me and walked towards me.

I could see my dad pulling up in his car as the guy came close to me.

"You are to stay far away from my son. Both of you." He said looking at me.

"I didn't even do anything to him." I pointed out.

"You allowed your friends to beat my son up to the point he is in the fucking hospital right now!" The teacher shouted.

"Avery." I heard my dad's voice using that tone. He immediately blushed and clearly they knew each other because the way he blushed told me everything. Avery tried walking away but my dad gripped his arm hard.


*Avery's p.o.v.*

When I heard his voice and that tone in his voice, I grew so flustered and tried walking away. I felt my arm being grabbed and I tried to walk away but the grip was so strong like they knew I was going to take off the minute I was let go.

I was turned around and there he was with Raven and Angel. The one who they ended up with.

"Anything that has to do with any student in this building that has been hurt and harassed needs to come directly to me. Blaming my son because you're upset at me is NOT the way to go. Talk to me. What happened yesterday?" He asked me.

"It's not like you or anyone in this building cares about me or my son so why does it even matter!" I shouted. I yanked my hand out of his hold and walked into the building. I walked quickly to my classroom and I was about to shut the door but someone's foot stopped it. I jumped when I saw him alone.

"Do you need the next few days off to rest and be with your son?" He asked. I looked at him with my eyes wide before nodding my head.

"Ok. Tell me what hospital he is at? It is only right as the principal to-

"Don't. Do. That." I looked at him.

"Don't do what?" He asked.

"Act like you care. No one in this school has cared before so please don't start acting like you do. Don't need anymore heartbreak." I commented. He sighed heavily like he felt defeated.

"Okay, I will not interfere if that's what you wish." He said.

"Thank you." I said. He just stared at me in the spot he was standing in for a while.

"Is there anything else you want to say? You're just standing the-

I was interrupted by Angel and Raven coming in.

"Babe, I am about to leave." He said kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay. I Love you. See you at home." Lucian said kissing him on the cheek. Raven gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips and I immediately turned away flustered and upset. I packed my stuff quickly to go see my son. Without a word, I bumped right into them trying to leave my classroom quickly. I took a long deep breath to stop the tears from coming down as I left the classroom walking towards the front of the building. I was on a mission to leave quickly, but I squealed when I felt my arm was grabbed again for the second time today.


I screamed loudly when I was lifted up in the air and walked towards a car that didn't belong to me by Raven. He forced me in the car and drove me to the hospital my son was at. I looked at him suspiciously and mad because obviously his boss has him watching me again.

"He has you watching me again. You are not doing that! You are NOT DOING THAT!" I shouted.

"No, actually Angel works here. He saw you come in yesterday with him and put two and two together." Raven pointed out.

"I could have driven here myself." I pointed out.

"You're right but I feel responsible for sitting there and not doing anything." Raven asked.

"Well, it is not your responsibility to feel bad. It's your responsibility to look after the king and his kids not me." I told him.

He sighed heavily and looked at me.

"Well if you have nothing to say, I need to see my son." I told him. I walked past him but he gripped my arm.

"Don't you touch me. Stay the fuck away from me and my son. I fucking mean it!" I shouted.

I took a deep breath before entering the hospital room where my son was staying. He was sleeping and I smiled a little bit sadly. He has been in so much pain these last few days. I cried myself to sleep that night because why does it keep happening to him.

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