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warning :
In the following series, may include mature subjects, boundary pushing content related to sex, drugs, and sexual violence towards teens in high school. If you aren't interested I'd suggest you click away to a different story.


Saturday December 31st :

3rd pov:

"Mhhh..craig wait.." the breathless blond huffed out trying to pull his boyfriend's head out his neck,

Craig Tucker is his boyfriend since elementary days

They never choose to be together but they were glad that that weird asian girl group from school made those fan art of them. Otherwise they wouldn't even acknowledge their presences to each other

Craig enjoys the noises Tweek makes for him and him only, he raises his hand up his shirt to feel his soft sensitive skin. Tweek grunts since it's too much for him.

He's giving him all the kisses because he's needy, since tweek has been gone almost all of winter break with his family to the city to visit family. Craig just stayed at this "boring" town missing him.

Craig felt his pales boyfriend's slender type hands gently pushing his head out his neck, signaling him to stop and plopped his head in his chest staring at the beautiful blonde
Tweek was sitting in his lap, legs resting on his hips. They were in sitting in Craig's bed near the window

It was just a casual Saturday evening at Craig's room, his parents at the New Year's Eve parent town dinner and Tricia (his sister) is at her friends house. Just the whole house to him and his boyfriend

Tweek rests his head at the window staring at the ravens room while his boyfriend's head lays on his chest

Tweek likes Craig's room, his room is dim dark with lit up with a lamp and fairy lights he bought him as a gift a few years back , it was navy blue walled room. Just a regular room with posters and figures.

Tweek and Craig like to get a bit sexual but Tweek has always felt uncomfortable doing things in other rooms in Craig's house. (Craig totally respects that)

Tweeks soft hands gently rests on Craig's face, stroking and staring at his ocean eyes

"Mmh..I love you hun" the raven smiles, that made the blonde's heart flutter more even though he's seen and heard more than that. Craig hugs him tighter and hides his face, tweeks smile faded

"Shit the New Year's Eve party we're supposed to go to" Tweek remembers, Craig raises his eyebrow trying to remember who's lame party Tweek is so alarmed about

fuck, that's what he's worked up about ? Craig rolled his eyes

"We don't have to go" Craig said closing his eyes and resting on his boyfriend's chest

"No we have too, what if no one shows up" tweek frowns

"So? Ask someone to film that, I'd like to see that" tweek ignores the cruel joke he made and pushed his head out the way, gets up and walks to Craig's closet

"No I just want to go, and hang out since it's a New Year's Eve party"

"Oh and it's Clyde's party, I want to go anyways" the pretty blond said, looking through Craig's clothes like it's shopping

(nsfw) after the party, south park: the seriesWhere stories live. Discover now