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warning :
In the following series, may include mature subjects, boundary pushing content related to sex, drugs, and sexual violence towards teens in high school. If you aren't interested I'd suggest you click away to a different story.

Saturday December 31st

Butters pov
I arrived on time, I didn't want to be late or early, so I just sat down on the couch just waiting for something interesting

"Hey Butters" a girls voice, it was Bebe! "How ya doin so far? I'm just waiting for Wendy she's taking forever because Tolkien is supposed to bring her and she has a big crush on him-" she said getting closer to me and smacking her mouth shut

"Oh my gosh, please don't say anything to anyone please!" Bebe shook my arm

"It's okay, I won't say anything hah, so Wendy likes Tolkien? Didn't they date in 8th grade??" I said then Bebe blabbed about the drama that was going on how Bebe had a huge crush on Tolkien for the longest time. Then someone sat next to me, it was Kenny

"Hey Leo, what's up" he said sipping his drink, I smiled and said hi back, then Bebe filled in Kenny on what's happening. We both listen and Kenny just kept getting closer to me, his smile, voice and blonde hair

What no

No no no

snap yourself out of it

When Bebe was mid sentence on something she got a text on her phone

"Oh! Wendy's outside! I gotta open the door, see you guys later" she said and left, it was just me and Kenny.

"So, they party is kind of-" he said but then got caught off by a girl walking up to him

"Ken right? Oh my god it's me Tammy! It's been so long how are you ??"

"Uh, who?" Kenny said

"Cmon I'll explain more come with me" she giggled and dragged him outside, he handed me his drink.

I look down at his drink and got a bit upset, I wanted to have a conversation since I barely see him in classes.

"Hey butters what's up" Tweek said while Craig was sipping his drink near him

"Oh it's nothing" I said

"Who's that girl that dragged Kenny outside?" Tweek asked.

"A girl named Tammy but I don't remember her" I answered

"Oh I know her" Craig said, me and tweek looked at him as he answers more

"Yeah she's like a year older than us, she's the bj girl remember? where Kenny was going insane after taking her to the Jonas brothers concert"

Oh, Tammy Warner.

"Yeah she dated him a bit longer after she moved and they online dated, I guess they separated I don't know" he finished

"Maybe she moved back" Tweek implied then told me not to worry. It's kind of boring here, I should've stayed home then I saw Kenny coming back with Tolkien and we all started talking in a corner, I could tell that Clyde was a bit high.

Kyle comes by

"Hey Kyle I said, he responded with "hi butters"

And we all just started talking about random topics, it made me remember elementary and middle school when we just got along, in high school we kind of broke up until Clyde forced Tolkien into buying  ______*  tickets, we all went and had fun.

So we just talked until Kyle left to the bathroom, Tweek and Craig left. Tolkien and Clyde was dragged to the dance floor.

I just stood there with Kenny, his eyes were red. Stoned.

(nsfw) after the party, south park: the seriesWhere stories live. Discover now