Chapter 2: Basic Training

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When he'd agreed to this... he didn't think it would entail ritual humiliation. Howie, still getting used to this 'rehabilitation program,' was tired after three weeks. Following this regiment was probably the worst thing that Howie had ever done... well, besides saying no to all the times Aurora wanted to hang out... Howard's new job was to carry things around for Russell and Gel-Squad and be a messenger when the comm system inevitably malfunctioned; there are a lot of malfunctions nowadays. Howard was like a little yeoman; it was the best he could do given his inability to shapeshift; despite being a computer engineer, he actually got quite good at paperwork, which was a good thing, considering he liked to think that his days of manipulating computers were over. It reminded him of his lost love too much. When not working, Howard was allowed to use crew quarters on the promenade with the rest of the civilians since the security deck was destroyed, along with the prison cells.

However, many of them were very against his existence. They treated him like a second-class citizen, and it didn't help that the shifting inhibitors were a dead giveaway to his status as a prisoner. They did not like him, but rest assured, when they glared at him, he glared back. He happily took their spot when they moved out of range on his approach to a common area. It was perfect because he didn't like these people much anyway.

This morning, he shoved them out of the way and then bolted down the corridor. He was late. The warden did not like it when he was late... he used that whistle. Carrying his package of papers, Howard inhaled and exhaled rapidly as he moved down the hall. Until he bumped into a bunny who was getting something from one of the food synthesizer spots on the wall. His file exploded, and the papers flew in 180 different directions. The food slots went unused because no one on the station consumed sustenance of that nature. So, it was well known that this spot was occupied only if someone had an idle conversation, and that conversation was usually brief.

"No!" Howard strained; he didn't even waste time rubbing the bump on his head or helping up the person he collided with. Instead, he helped himself to his papers, forcefully fitting them into his manilla folder. He growled at the pink and teal bunny. "What's wrong with you? Why are you just standing in that random spot?!" Howie scolded undiplomatically; the stranger stood up at the same time Howie did and rubbed his arm, not out of pain but because of the awkwardness. "I was trying to figure out how to use the synthesizer..?" He answered, saying this as if such a thing were common on Omeocoon. "No one wants to 'use' the synthesizers; we don't have to eat Dummy!"

The stranger flinched as if Howie had slapped him, "I... I'm sorry." He replied, "Forget it." Howie huffed, and then he brushed past him. Rounding the corner, the security office was right there! Well... perhaps office was a strong word. In reality, it was a broom closet. The entire security level might've been destroyed, but that didn't stop Russell from claiming a new spot. Howie violently bumped into the wall and struggled with the access panel; he grunted and yelled in annoyance. But he finally got it. The door slid open to reveal Russell in a cramp space, sitting behind a desk. Howie huffed as he delivered his papers, slapping them on the desk top. "I made it!" He said in between huffs and puffs, but Russell's hands were clasped together on the desk, and his eyebrow was knitted together in anger. His eyes glanced toward the timepiece on the bulkhead. "You. Are. 15 minutes. Late." He pointed out. Howard had gotten to know Russell enough to realize that dramatic pauses and a low tone indicated that he was furious. Howard also realized that his handler had a short temper.

Howard's heart sank as he realized just how late he was. He knew the warden wouldn't be pleased, but Russell's reaction confirmed his fears. "I'm sorry, Russell," Howard apologized, his voice tinged with frustration. "I got held up in the corridor. It won't happen again." Russell's expression softened slightly at Howard's apology, but his disapproval was still evident. "This isn't the first time you've been late, Howard," He reprimanded, his voice stern. "We've talked about this before."

Howard nodded, feeling guilty for letting Russell down once again. "I know! I'll do better, I promise!" He vowed earnestly, his determination evident in his tone. "I'm sure you will. But remember what I said would happen if you were late twice?" Howard slumped over, "No! That's not fair, it wasn't my fault!"

"I don't believe you." Russell sighed heavily, his disappointment evident as he reached for a small wooden box on the corner of his desk. Howard's eyes darted between Russell's face and the box. It was Russell's 'punishment box,' filled with various intense exercises designed to discipline and reprimand him when he failed to meet expectations. With a grim expression, Russell opened the box and withdrew a handful of cards, each labeled with a different exercise. He shuffled through them before selecting one with a deliberate motion, his gaze never leaving Howard's face. "Since this is your second offense, Howard," Russell began, his voice firm and tinged with disappointment. "You leave me no choice but to enforce our discussed consequences."

Howard twiddled his thumbs nervously as he awaited his fate, knowing full well what was coming next. Russell held up the card for Howard to see, his expression unwavering."Ah! My favorite, the front-leaning rest," Russell announced, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "What? That's ridiculous! I brought you the stupid folder!" Howard protested, "True, but I said 0600, Howard, not 0606, not 0608, and certainly not 0615!"

"Do the words cruel and unusual mean anything to you? That one really hurts!"

"Yeah? I think that's the point of it. It's a punishment, Howard." Russell's gaze bore into Howie's, unwavering and stern. "You know the rules, Howard," He replied firmly. "If you're late, there are consequences." Russell pointed to the floor outside his office, and Howie whined as he knew he had no choice. "The longer you struggle with this, the longer I'll make you do it!" Russell thought a reinforced threat would further persuade Howie to complete the task. Howard's shoulders slumped again in resignation, knowing that arguing further would only worsen his situation. "Fine," he muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable.

Howard stepped out into the corridor and Russell followed, Russell often forced him to conduct his punishments where everyone could see him. Not to further humiliate him but to show the other inhabitants that he was trying and that he wanted to be here. He hated disciplining Howard, but he knew it was necessary for his rehabilitation. Howard was in the leaning rest right away while Russell watched. "Stop cheating!" Russell barked as he saw Howie's knees touch the deck. "Every time you do that, I'll add 30 seconds to your timer."


"Shut up!"

Dynamic Patrol: Gel Squad! Episode IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ