Delighted to Keep You (Dark Alma Peregrine)

Start from the beginning

Alma nodded, but maintained a concerned expression. "Lunch is ready," she informed with a smile. 

You nodded, facing the window. You weren't hungry, rather fancying a jog around 1943 Cairnholm. 

Miss Peregrine called your name scoldingly. You looked back at her. "Come downstairs and eat. I'll not have you starving yourself." As if that were even possible with her divine cooking and her attentive care. 

When you went to argue, Miss Peregrine delivered a glare that intimidated you into standing. Her stern demeanor faded once you were on the steps and she even lovingly held a hand on your back. It unsettled you but only because you knew you really oughtn't react, but you couldn't stop your shiver. Alma delighted in it as you stepped onto the ground floor. You sat in the only open seat, beside Enoch, and dinner was served. It was a simple yet delectable meal, though you were miles away while you nibbled. You were ever so grateful to Miss Peregrine for opening your eyes and showing you who you were. You had always hoped magic was real, while living like that was impossible. Now, you knew it was real and it was all thanks to a bird you'd stumbled on. Unfortunately, it seemed to have gone downhill from there. You had stayed to gain a better understanding of yourself and you'd grown to love the children. But you still had a life to get back to. And you refused to pay another month's rent for an bedroom you weren't even in. 

You'd have to speak with Alma in private. You dreaded being alone with her. She was a lovely woman, but you never knew what was out of line or inappropriate. You came from completely different times! Luckily, it seemed you'd help her with the dishes so that gave you the perfect opening. You were gathering plates before Alma even said your name, so you missed the pleased yet... possessive look she gave you. The soapy sink was nearly full when you approached, but you still put the dishes on the counter, using your dirty fork to scrape off the scraps. Ironically, your plate held the most uneaten food. 

Alma stared disapprovingly. 

You just shrugged. "I wasn't hungry." You stepped over to the suddy water, but she held a hand in front of yours to keep you from wetting them. You turned to her. 

"Can you wash without your hands?" she asked teasingly. 

You looked at the sink in contemplation. "The silverware at most." 

She nodded in excitement toward the dishes. She was practically bouncing. It was a little cute. 

The flatwear did indeed fly to the sink, dunking in the water and swishing around in there, but when you inspected it, you found grime remaining.  You bent the metal just enough to 'shake it off' before submerging again. Eventually, you just grabbed the sponge. "Evidently not," you answered, setting to work. Alma rinsed. You felt uncertainty try to talk you out of this conversation, but you pressed on. "Miss," you called, hoping your tone was light enough that she suspected nothing. She was terribly clever when she wanted to be. She hummed in acknowledgement. You didn't know where to start so you stopped cleaning. "Thank you, for telling me who I am- what I am. About the dangers and possibilities." 

Once you'd started, a depressed expression folded her face. But, at hearing 'possibilities', she felt hope. She was your best option. Her Home could be yours, if you just chose right. 

"But rent's coming due and I have to get back to work."

The hope shattered. Alma tried her best to hold back the expression of all her emotions. That was the other big option. Normal or loop life. It seemed you'd made your choice. 

"I really wish I didn't have to. Maybe I can come  back on vacations if my devil of a boss will let me."

That was quite a lot of curious statements and Alma tried to determine the hidden meanings. She quickly came to the realization that it meant you were under the cruel, normal impression that your responsibilities were mandatory. Now, she respected that, but a job was not a calling. She'd been called to serve the young and you'd willingly come to her. "Why do you have to?" she asked, she hoped neutrally. 

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