This made her even more determined to make Sunwoo realize that she was truly in love with him. However, she could become even more desperate and obsessive in trying to get him to notice her feelings and affection for him. She might even become more extreme in her actions, and do more crazy things just to get Sunwoo's attention.

Due to the stalker's actions, Sunwoo's friends have started to suspect that Sunwoo is behaving in a way that is inappropriate with his stalker. They have heard many stories from the stalker girl, about how sad she felt when Sunwoo threw away the chocolate that she made and gave him. They say that Sunwoo isn't treating her with respect, and that he's treating her badly.

Sunwoo tries to tell his friends the truth about what's happening, but they don't seem to listen to him. They're believing the stories of the stalker girl, and they're starting to behave coldly towards Sunwoo whenever they see him. This makes Sunwoo feel depressed, and he eventually starts skipping school, probably feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

It's been almost a month, and Sunwoo has been staying in his room, not going to school. Hyunjae feels frustrated and annoyed, because he doesn't know why Sunwoo hasn't been showing up. When he asks Eric, Eric doesn't know either. It seems like no one knows why Sunwoo is missing his classes, and they're getting concerned.

"Sunwoo! Sunwoo, open up!" said Hyunjae.

He knock on Sunwoo door.

"Sunwoo! How long are you gonna trap yourself in there? Just open the door!" said Hyunjae.

"Leave me alone, hyung" said Sunwoo.

"I'm not going anywhere until you open this damn door!" said Hyunjae.

"Just leave me alone!" Sunwoo shout.

"Open the door!" said Hyunjae.

The commotion has grabbed the attention of all of the siblings. Everyone looks very worried, and they're very concerned about his well-being. They want to know what's going on, and why Sunwoo suddenly skipping his classes without any explanation.

"If you not open the door, I will break down this door!" said Hyunjae.

They wait for a moment until he heard a click behind the door. Hyunjae let out a breath. He looks at other siblings.

"Let me talk to him first" said Hyunjae.

They all nodded. They leave it to Hyunjae to talk to Sunwoo. Hyunjae walks into the room, and is surprised to see how messy the room is. Sunwoo is sitting on the floor, beside his bed, hugging his legs to himself. He looks distraught and sad, and Hyunjae is shocked to see him in this state. He approaches Sunwoo and asks him what's wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is there something happened in school?" asked Hyunjae.

"You won't believe what I'm saying" said Sunwoo.

"I'm your brother. Of course, I will believe you" said Hyunjae.

Sunwoo clutch his head.

"You won't understand" said Sunwoo.

"I'll understand. Tell me the truth" said Hyunjae.

Sunwoo finally opens up to Hyunjae, and tells him the whole story about the girl who has been stalking him since the first day until the Valentine's Day incident. He explains how the girl was obsessed with him, and how she was stalking him. He also tells Hyunjae about the chocolate that she gave him on Valentine's Day, and how he threw it away.

"I was afraid that she do something in the chocolate. That's why I throw it away but instead she tell liars to all my friends. I lost all my friends and I'm afraid to go to school again. She follow me everywhere! I'm afraid I can't control myself if I meet her again! That's why I skipping school. I just want to get away from her!" said Sunwoo.

"Okay, Sunwoo. Calm down. You need to calm down" said Hyunjae.

"How can I?! How can I calm down when she still outside there waiting for me and start stalking over and over again!" said Sunwoo.

Sunwoo starts to walk around the room, in a sort of nervous or uneasy state. Hyunjae tries to stop him. Sunwoo is too overwhelmed until one moment, he passed out. Hyunjae catch Sunwoo.

"Sunwoo! Sunwoo, wake up!"

"He's having a depression. He feel overwhelm and that's why he faint. He also has a low blood pressure. He will be fine after a lot of rest" said doctor.

"Thank you very much" said Hyunjae.

He sits beside the bed and grab his hand tightly. Sunwoo face is really pale, and it break his heart to see him like this.

"I'm sorry, Sunwoo. I should have been pay more attention to you. I'm sorry" said Hyunjae.

For the rest of the day, Sunwoo has a self-tutor at home. Hyunjae has already gotten approval from the school, so that Sunwoo can take the exam at home. This means that he doesn't have to go to school or have any in-person classes for a while, and can study in his own home. This gives Sunwoo some extra time to focus on himself and his studies, without having to worry about the girl who is stalking him.

Occasionally, the other siblings would see a female student standing outside their house. She was looking at some window, which is presumably Sunwoo's room. This is how they figured out that it's the girl who was stalking Sunwoo. She was standing there, watching their house and his window, likely waiting for him or trying to see him from afar.

The siblings decide to take action and they're all determined to protect Sunwoo. They will make sure that he won't have to see or interact with his stalker girl. Hyunjae and the other siblings make plans for Eric and Sunwoo to move out when they graduate, away from their current home. They want to put some distance between Sunwoo and the stalker girl. This will hopefully help Sunwoo feel safer and more comfortable.

After the siblings all took action and took measures to help and protect Sunwoo, they finally got good results. Sunwoo's health gradually improved, and he looked better. He didn't look as anxious or stressed, and he seemed happier. Even though the problem of the stalker girl hadn't been completely resolved, the situation was improving.

On the graduation day, Sunwoo and Eric didn't go. Sunwoo insist Eric to go but Eric say that if Sunwoo didn't go then he won't.

"I don't want to meet with your classmates anymore after what they done to you" said Eric.

Sunwoo smile. He really appreciate it.

"Next week we will move out. You won't see her again" said Eric.

"I hope so" said Sunwoo.

"Hey, after we get there, let's go somewhere together. You're been trapping yourself in the room and we didn't get a chance to go out because of that crazy stalker" pout Eric.

Sunwoo laugh to see Eric pout.

"We will have fun together" said Sunwoo. 

Save MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora