"Yeah. Let's do that" said Hyunjae.

Hyunjae was really grateful to have such a great neighbour like them. They had been really useful and helpful to him and his family, ever since the first day that they knew each other. He was glad that he had them as his neighbours, and appreciated their kindness.

Even though they are currently busy taking care of Haknyeon, they are also willing to help out and protect Sunwoo. They want to ensure that Sunwoo is safe, especially after what happened to Haknyeon. They will do whatever they can to make sure that Sunwoo doesn't get into any danger.

Haknyeon's grandmother and Seungkwan arrive back home after being at the hospital. She want to stay a bit more longer but Sangyeon urge them to go home and take a rest. She admits that she's feeling too old and easily be tired to take care of her grandson, and she lets the younger people do it instead.

She knows that it's a difficult job, and that she's not capable of doing it anymore. That's why she left it to Sangyeon and the others to take care of Haknyeon.


She looks and saw Sungha came. Seeing Sungha coming made her feel even more tired, even she her daughter.

"Mother. Where have you been? I been waiting for you since this morning" said Sungha.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I said not to come here anymore? I don't want to see you" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

"I just came here to see you, Mother. Is it wrong for a child to worry about her mother?" asked Sunghwa.

She snorts. Worry about her? That's not what she's worried about.

"Get out from my house" said Haknyeon's grandmother.

Seungkwan push her wheelchair. He didn't feel any sympathy for her. They just left her. Sungha bites her nail in anger.

Kevin came to check on Haknyeon.

"It's been a day now but Haknyeon still didn't wake up. There's no problem on him right?" asked Jacob.

"Don't worry, Jacob. He might just catch up some sleep" said Kevin smile.

"Still. I want him to wake up now. Just to see him open his eyes for a moment" said Jacob.

Kevin taps Jacob shoulder.

"I know you worried about him. So am I. Let's let Haknyeon rest first. With plenty of sleep, Haknyeon will be healthier when he wakes up later" said Kevin.

"You should take a sleep too, Jacob. You didn't take any sleep since yesterday" added Kevin.

"I'm fine" said Jacob.

"Go get some sleep. Chanhee and Sangyeon already take a nap. I don't have any surgery until tomorrow afternoon" said Kevin.

"But you will be too tired" said Jacob.

"Hey. I myself have insomnia. If I don't sleep for three days, I still have energy. I'll be fine. Go get some sleep" said Kevin.


Jacob walk to the sofa. Chanhee already lying sleeping on one of the sofa while Sangyeon sleeping on the chair in the sit position. Jacob take another sofa and lay down. Kevin cover him with a blanket and pat gently as if mocking it. With that, Jacob cradled in a dream.

He take a good look on Chanhee and Sangyeon. Chanhee sleep in curling ball on the single sofa. He fix the blanket on Sangyeon before walk to the bed and take a seat beside Haknyeon.

He check again all the injury on Haknyeon. All wounds have been covered with a plaster or bandage and some minor wounds are left alone.

"Look what they've done to your hands, Haknyeon. The wound on your hand is getting more" said Kevin.

He takes a wet cloth from a small basin, and carefully wipes Haknyeon's hands. He makes sure to clean between his fingers, and cleans his hands thoroughly. Once he has finished with both hands, he moves on to Haknyeon's face and wipes again. The whole cleaning process is done carefully and with attention to detail, to ensure that Haknyeon is clean and comfortable.

It takes about 30 minutes to finish the entire task of cleaning Haknyeon. Despite the fact that he's tired from his busy workday, he doesn't feel tired at all when it comes to taking care of his brother. It's a testament to his dedication and love for his sibling, and the fact that he's willing to do anything for him.

However, there was something that Kevin hadn't told Sangyeon and the others completely. He knew the truth about Haknyeon's true condition, and he hadn't shared that information with them yet.

"I don't want to believe this but... like them, I want you to wake up, Haknyeon. Please wake up" said Kevin.

Sunwoo is in his room, and he's holding the candle box that he got from Jacob earlier at the hospital. It was a gift from Haknyeon, and he's probably keeping it close to him while he thinks of him. It's a symbol of their friendship and bond, and Sunwoo probably appreciates it a lot.

Sunwoo reads the message written on the candle box over and over, looking at the handwriting. He's probably just appreciating how beautiful and neat Haknyeon's handwriting is, and imagining him writing it while thinking about him.

Sunwoo remembers the day when they bumped into Kim Yura, and he didn't ask much about the girl. He knew that he wasn't comfortable talking about her, and he respected his boundaries and privacy. So, he didn't ask much.

Instead, he give him a gift to help him calm. It was a thoughtful and kind gesture of him, and it shows how much he cared for his well-being and happiness.

Sunwoo takes a candle from the box and places it on a table. Then, he lights the match and lights the candle. The sweet vanilla scent of the candle quickly fills the entire room, and it's a pleasant and calming smell.

When Sunwoo smelled the sweet vanilla scent of the candle, he could feel himself calming down. It was as if all the thoughts that he was having disappeared, and he was able to experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

"It's really help me calm. ... Thank you. ... Haknyeon hyung"

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