First Job

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It's been three days since we opened, and things have been boring. Millie was trying to calm Moxxie , who was pacing around the room.

I was on the couch practicing on using my flames, seeing if I could try to make something else. Loona was on the desk with her paws? Feet? There on the desk.

And Blitz, I don't want to talk about it at the moment, as the five of us were doing our own thing, the door opens and a sinner entered the building.

As soon as the door opened, the sinner came in and was nervous at the sight of Millie, Moxxie and Loona.

"I-is this the I.M.P?" Asked the sinner. Loona was distracted by her phone. So I decided to take over her job.

"Welcome, and yes, this is the I.M.P. Who do you want dead?" I asked with a smile on my face, the sinner then took a step back at the sight of me smiling.

"I-I'm just here to see if you guys can kill my brother." As soon as the sinner said that, Blitz kicked his door open and had a smile on his face.

"Ah, we can certainly do that, step into my office and we can talk business." He said and guided the sinner into his office.

"Ohhhh. I can't believe it, we have our first customer." Millie began to squeal in delight and wrapped her arms around Moxxie.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Asked Loona who was scrolling through her phone, I just sighed and soon stood behind her and began to scratch the back of her ears.

"Can you blame her Loona? She looks like she'll just kill someone in hell." I said while scratching her ear, she was distracted by the touch of my hand and smiled.

The door then opened, and Blitz had a large smile on his face. He guided the sinner out of our business and began to wave his hand.

"No worries we'll have your brother down here before he can cuck your dead ass!" I then began to hear crying from the sinner and soon he was already in the elevator.

I then cringed at what he said and knew why he hired us to kill his brother, his brother must have convinced his girlfriend/wife to cheat on him.

'I feel sorry for you buddy.' I thought to myslef and soon stopped scratching Loona, much to her dissapointment she stayed quiet.

"Alright gang, we got our first kill order, so let's fuck it up." He said and ran into his office to get his weapons.

"Yee-fucking-haw !!" Shouted Millie, she then ran towards the breakroom and brought out a battle axe.

"Yes sir!" Moxxie then rushed into the breakroom as well, I began to hear the sounds of metal and muttering.

"Nobu, aren't you going to get ready as well?" Asked Millie who held her battle axe, I just smiled and clapped my hands together and soon began to pull them apart.

"Don't worry Millie." As I pulled my hands more apart, strings began to fall on the floor, I weaves the strings to form a net and smiled.

"I'm all set." Millie just shrugged and began to follow Moxxie, I just stood next to Loona who looked ready to join us.

"You ready Loona?" Loona just took a quick glance at me and had a small smile on her face.

"Definitely, I can finally beat someone that's not in hell." Blitz then appeared next to us and cupped Loona's face.

"Sorry loony toony, but your staying here, I don't want anything to happen to you and that's final." He said with a baby voice.

Loona growled at what Blitz said, but huffed and began to use her phone again. I wasn't surprised on why she wasn't going, but I was a bit disappointed.

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