Memories are a pain (Edited)

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As soon as we finished hugging one another, I had us disperse and looked at Charlie again. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, while Vaggi was next to her.

"So let me get this straight, you want to build a hotel." Charlie nods and rolled her hand for me to continue.

"And this hotel, you want to help the sinners to redeem themselves." She nods her head again.

"So that they could all go to heaven." Charlie then jumps into the air, and hugs me.

"I knew you'd get it the first try!" She said and began to nuzzle her cheek agains mine. To be honest, I'm taken aback on what she wants to do.

'I guess it's a nice idea, but how will this work?' Charlie then raised her head to look at me with a smile.

"So what do you think?" She asked, with hope in her voice.

"Well, I'm not with the idea." Charlie then looks down in sadness, while Vaggie looked like she was going to smack me on the head.

"I didn't finish, I said I'm not with the idea, nor am I against it. The only problem is how will you redeem the sinners?" I asked this caused Charlie to have the look of realization but she soon shook it off.

"I don't know, but that's not important. What's important is that I need to get the word out." She said with determination.

Seeing her determined caught me by surprise, since she has this bubbly persona surrounding her. But for some reason, seeing her like this made me see her in a better light.

"Well, if your determined to do this, you'll need protection." I said but Vaggie just shakes her head and points at me.

"No no no, we will not have your gang be here. You'll just set us back to square one before we even open it." She said, and I had to agree with her.

If Charlie is serious on making this hotel, I would have to have my men not approach the hotel. I just sighed and nodded my head.

"Alright, so now onto the next topic how are you going to spread the word." This time Charlie smiled and puffed out her chest, and a bit of her breast stuck out.

"Yeah I don't mean to be rude, but aren't the people here just going to make fun of her idea?" Asked Loona who had her head on my lap, and was using her phone.

"Hun, I love you and all, but did you really have to fall for a goth girl?" Asked Vaggie.

"Sorry, she did have a rough life, and she's a dog. You know how I am with dogs." I said with a smile, and to prove my point I began to scratch behind Loona's ear.

Causing her to lean into my hand, and her tail to wag. At the same time, some of her fur began to fly off her, covering me in her fur.

"Okay, when we are going back, we are making you take a long shower to get rid of any loose fur." Loona just ignores me and just enjoys the feeling of me scratching her ear.

"Well, back on topic, I have contacted the 666 news station, and they agreed to let me announce my idea." Charlie was then bouncing up and down showing her excitement about her idea.

"That's a good idea." I said, and Charlie just smiles at my compliment.

"Thank you, I even made a list on what to say." She said, and I was impressed.

"She's been practicing on what to say every day, i even remind her to not sing." Said Vaggie with a small smile.

"But it can help with the presentation." Said Charlie as she whined at her.

"I didn't know you like to sing." I said, and Charlie just looked happy when she heard me.

"It's what I like to do when I'm presenting my ideas to other people. But they all laugh in the end." She said and slumped down.

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