Hello there

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As me and Loona continued to stare at Alestoria, Loona was behind me with her tail between her legs. I knew Loona wasn't able to get scared this easily, but with her standing behind me I knew this was a powerful sinner.

"What? You are not going to respond to a greeting?" Said Alestoria who continued to look at us with the same smile.

"It is rude to not reply." She said and soon offered her hand, seeing at how the what she talks she must be from the nineteen thirty's.

I then held her hand and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, this caused her to smile and nod at the gesture that I did.

"Sorry about that, I was distracted at how beautiful you looked." I said, this caused Alastoria to smile at my words.

"My my, what a gentlemen. You really do know how to treat a lady." She said with a giggle, I felt a tug from behind me and saw Loona with fear in her eyes.

"Can we go now? She's the most dangerous sinner." She whispered in my ear. Alastoria then turned her head in Loona's direction.

Loona then hid behind my back and began to shiver like crazy.

"Well who's this little pup if I may ask?" She said and soon patted Loona's head, Loona didn't move while being petted and looked at Alastoria in fear.

"Aww, no need to be afraid little one, I don't bite, much." I then gently removed her arm and wrapped Loona in my tails.

"If I may, I think I haven't properly introduced my myself. I said but she held up her hand and smiled at me.

"There's no need for introductions my boy, everyone in hell has heard about you." She said and soon reached for my tails.

"Nobu Takahashi, a strange sinner with nine tails and has slowly rose the food chain." She said, before her hand reached my tails I moved them away.

"A sinner who has killed hundreds of demons, hellhounds and other sinners." She said and the surrounding air began to grow static.

"And the one sinner who everyone wants to themselves." She said, but soon everything returned to normal.

"And yet, has a kind and gentle soul to others, helping them make better decisions." She then waves her staff and soon the three of us are in a large studio with two chairs facing one another.

"So tell me my dear boy, what's a kind sinner like you, are doing here in hell?" She said and placed her arms on her knees and held her head with her hands.

"Let's just say, some people made a terrible choice on hurting my family." I said with a warning tone and small blue flames began to cover me and loona on a protective manner.

"Now now, there's no need for violence," she said and held her hands up in surrender.

"That will depend on why you teleported us here." I said and held Loona closer to my chest, Loona then snuggled closer not looking at Alastoria.

"Why, it's because I've wanted us to have a quick chat. There's nothing wrong with that is there?" She said and tilted her head to the side and stuck out her tongue.

"Besides, I can't do anything to harm you or your little puppy wuppy." She said in a baby voice.

"You and I have a different understanding on having a chat." I said, Alastoria then sighed and soon had the three of us standing on the street once again.

"Apologies then, I haven't been this entertained in so many years." She said and widened her arms and had a smile on her face.

"And that was your reason on meeting me?" I asked her with one of my brows raised.

"Of course, the carnage, the blood shed, the drama. Your one large package." She said with a smile.

"I see, if that's all you wanted to talk about then we'll take our leave then." I said and began to lead Loona away from her.

"Alright then, I'll see you soon." She said in a cheery tone and soon teleported away.

"She's an interesting one." I said, Loona was taking deep breaths from what happened and soon looked at me.

"You never told me that an overlord was interested in you." She said and held my shoulders and shook me back and forth.

"Actually it's two, overlords." This caused her to shake me even harder with a panicked look on her face.

"That's not making things better for me!" She shouted and soon began to drag me back to where Charlie and Vaggie where staying at.

"Oh hey you two. How was the walk?" Asked Charlie with a smile on her face.

"Not good, we just ran into the radio demon." Said Loona and hid underneath some blankets, Charlie's eyes widen, while Vaggie ran into the room with a spear on her hands.

"What did you say?!" She shouted and had blood shot eyes, I quickly walked up to her and began to calm her down.

"Hey, look at me, take deep breaths, in, and out." I told her, Vaggie was slowly inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes and soon was calm.

"Sorry,  it's just that the Radio demon is the most dangerous sinner in hell, besides you mi sorro." She said and her hand tightened on the spear.

"I have to agree with Vaggie on this one, I'm just glad I posted about having the citizens of pentagram city leave you alone." Said Charlie with a smile on her face.

"Here Loona, have some tea." She said and sat next to loona who was still afraid. Loona gently held the tea and took a small sip.

"It's good." She mumbled and began to drink it but by bit, soon she finished the cup and sighed in satisfaction.

"So Charlie, how are your parents?" I asked her, Charlie then looked away and rubbed her arm.

"There....there doing just fine." She said and soon looked at me with a forced smile.

"Vaggie?" I looked at Vaggie and she just shook her head, I sighed and knew I would have to ask her, but with how she's acting now not a good time.

"Well, if you say so Charlie." I said and decided to change the subject.

"Want to hear some embarrassing story's about Vaggie when she was alive?" This caused Vaggie to widen her eyes in shock.

"No, please don't mi sorro, I beg of you." She said, but Charlie was squeezing in happiness.

"Tell me tell me tell me!" She said while bouncing in the chair, Loona on the other hand had her hands over her ears.

"Well, here's a story...." Before I could continue, Vaggie threw a book and began to chase me around with the spear.

"GET BACK HERE YOU PUTO!!" Charlie then began to chase Vaggie, and Loona was covering her ears.

"Todays going to be a long day." She said and pulled out her phone while recording the three of us.

(A/N) Hey everyone, sorry for disappearing, had some collage work and now I'm taking a break. I'll try to post more chapters soon.

So vote if you enjoyed it, if not you'll be hearing Charlie sing for twenty four hours.

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